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Member Since 08 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active May 17 2006 06:51 AM

Topics I've Started

K-frames & Stuff

26 April 2006 - 05:11 AM

Hi all. I havn't been on for a very very long time... so sad.

Anyway, I have a 1985 EW2 powered civic 3-door.
Great peice of kit.

I am looking at putting in the D15B4 from the 1993 civic.
This is a twin carby engine.

I understand that the 93 has double wishbone front and (in some cases) a solid rear axle. It's the front I'm interested in.

I will be swapping in a twin carby D15, since I like carby's, despite the superiority of the PGM-FI and vTech motors.

What I want to know is, can the 93 civic kframe be bolted into 85 chassis?
This would achieve a number of results if it were possible...
A faster swap, less fabrication, higher viability etc ...
not to mention that tasty double wishbone front end and better brakes.

Please bear in mind that this is an Australian proposition, although I do believe that the civic was as global in 85 and 93 as it is today.

Also, as a side note and to save space and time, I'd like to know of any good quality intake manifold to suit twin downdraught webers, any people who make cams for these motors (I only know of vTech cams) and any good 4-1 long runner exhausts.

Thanks doods!

De-vac '85 Civic: How To Prodceed?

08 June 2005 - 09:50 AM

Hello people.

Starters: '85 Civic, 3 door, single carby, 12 valve from Australia.

I have read heaps of posts re de-vac procedures on CRx carbys.
It would seem that the tiny little carby on my civic is no-where-near the same layout as the CRx carby. Obviously the vac lines and ports will be represented, but I can't simply copy the crxfanatic pictures.

I am possibly going to price up and install a twin-carby setup from a later model, but this looks a decent interim solution (which is funny, since twin carbs, if they happen are an interim solution to installing my gold motor.). Swapping out the carb for another type (say a webber or holley) is not an option. I *could* get a CRx carb ... but then that could be a problem, supply wise, and if I'm buying, I may as well get the twins.

So, after all that guffaw;
What is the theory of this 'de vac' procedure?
What is the benefit?
How do you do it? (ie: what ports to what sources)
Where do you find the ports and where do you find the sources?

(I'm going to be *trying* to find the carby specific data in my electronic manual too, so I'll post whatever *I* can find too)

Thanks for your time and help!