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Member Since 10 May 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2004 11:37 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Something Funny I Came Across..

24 November 2004 - 11:36 AM

WTF... seriously

In Topic: Dx Vs. Si Tranny

08 September 2004 - 10:08 AM

That's odd... in my '85 Cr-x Dx I'm pulling the following

(Redline shift @ 6500rpm's)

1st gear: 35 mph
2nd gear: 60 mph
3rd gear: 90 mph
4th gear: wont break 115mph (@ 4k) mad.gif
5th gear: (the skys the limit...) cool.gif

As well (in 5th) I sit at about 70mph @ 3k

PS. I'm almost positive that only the automatics were 4 speed.

In Topic: Coilovers

08 September 2004 - 01:07 AM

The "local auto parts stores" in my area don't even carry '84-'87 rear springs, it seems "they don't carry parts for that type of a car." WTF? It's not like I went to Fred Nobodys store, this is coming from NAPA, Shucks and Autozone. So I went looking on the internet and unless I wanted to spend $300+ on a set, I was out of luck. This really sucks for a guy who's a full time student and can only work 10 hours a week or he loses his finanical aid mad.gif . So then I remembered that the '85 Civic has about the same suspension setup as the '85 Cr-x, cool. So I call the shops and they want $80-$90 for springs (okay so my local shops have dumb employees, they didn't know the Cr-x was a Civic. dry.gif ), okay that's all cool, but I can get '88 coilovers with up to a 4" drop for $75. So it hangs in the balance, stock springs that fit or ajustable springs that may not fit, same price... unsure.gif

In Topic: Where Does Your Screen Name Come From?

07 September 2004 - 10:55 AM

The nik I usally go by is The_Jesster (last name is Jess), I've had that one sence elementary school, but sence I've gotten into cars my persona has changed into the 'Virus' and I've always wanted an '86 Cr-x. So 'Virus86' was born.