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Member Since 05 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2007 01:53 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ev To Ew Engine Mounts

09 December 2007 - 06:53 PM

interchangable is an understatement, we took 1 ev engine and strapped ew5 (yes 5, we just unplugged the 5th injector so it didnt inject fuel into the nonexistant cvcc head lol) onto the head and changed the cams and dissy too, even the temp sensor went into the ev head, they are basically identical apart from the ev having less stroke i think. and to date that engine still runs strong its had an obsolute thrashing, god knows how many cold start rev limits and constant beating

In Topic: Removed Vacuum Box On Jdm Zc

09 December 2007 - 01:20 PM

yea well thats the thing tho it seems to run alot better with the pink capped off and the yellow left standard thats why i changed it back to that i originally did have the pink and yellow connected together, maybe it advances it too much or somthing, and yea the MAP sensor is obviously plugged in or the engine wont work wink.gif

In Topic: Removed Vacuum Box On Jdm Zc

08 December 2007 - 08:22 PM

the reason is cause its just pointless, i dunno why its even there, theres like 3 or 4 different idle up's and theres that vacuum advance comming out of it which is the one i want to know about, alex rekons it could be a cold advance but it seems to be running fine without it.

its just overall tidier and no more anoying vacuum lines everywhere, been meaning to do this for ages and finally just did it for the hell of it

In Topic: Project "dohc My Sohc"

26 September 2007 - 02:54 PM

long time no update, well the red beast is now road legal and my daily driver now while the silver car gets a high comp rebuild

check out rust repair pics here and here and more info here

In Topic: Project "dohc My Sohc"

26 July 2007 - 01:46 AM

more work done today:

click here for details and pics