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Member Since 05 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 26 2006 04:06 PM

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In Topic: First Gen Brake Swap Questions........

24 July 2006 - 10:53 AM

I'm in Tulsa.

I replaced the MC with a new unit on Saturday, it seems to have solved the problem. I haven't driven it much, but the pedal seems to have a little more free play than I would like and the parking brake takes more pull to engage. I think I need to adjust the drums so the initial pedal travel isn't expended taking up slack there.

I think I might have found a source for the HF backing plates, and I'm hoping to get some Integra calipers and discs soon. Should I get the brackets from salvage?

In Topic: First Gen Brake Swap Questions........

20 July 2006 - 09:11 PM

Thanks for the help. That's a huge amount of posts in such a short period!

Well, I think my plan for this weekend is thus.........Since the system is 20 years old, I'm going to get the Rex booster and MC together. Since I'm planning on keeping drums on the rear, this should work just fine. Actually, I've had a pair of HF aluminum drums in the garage for years, I couldn't get the backing plates from the salvage because the donor car was infested with wasps. Are the hf backing plates something I can get new?

Hopefully next month I can replace the front discs/calipers with teg units, and order a set of Porterfield pads. I can't find any competition shoes for the rear, any ideas?

Just wondering, might my problem just be the check valve?

In Topic: 86 And 87

19 July 2006 - 11:29 PM

I seem to recall that the red paint is different between the 86 and 87 as well. I think the 86, which I have is sort of a tomato red, while the 87 is more like Porsche red.