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Red Pepper Racing


Rear Brakes(aka A Topic That Has Been Beat...

KSousa's Photo KSousa 18 Feb 2009

newer cars are much heavier than our cars. disc breaks work better than drum breaks i never denied that, i am simply saying that the 1g does not perform better with rear discs. the aluminum drums have sufficient stopping power and makes you 10lbs lighter

Madkore's Photo Madkore 18 Feb 2009

If anybody actually thinks Drum Brakes are better, then you haven't driven my 1968 Ford F250 Pickup.

And My 1997 BMW M3 with Disk Brakes was one of the best stopping cars in the world.


'85-SI's Photo '85-SI 18 Feb 2009

i'm gonna remove the brakes all together and just stop with downshifting... plus it's a huge weight saving maneuver. smile.gif