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Member Since 25 Dec 2002
Offline Last Active Feb 23 2006 02:49 AM

Topics I've Started


13 June 2004 - 10:14 PM

i'm having a really low idle, about 500 ish. When is the idle suppost to be measured at? After the fan goes off? or when its on? When its on, the idle is around 1k or so, when its off the idle drops to about a smig over 500. Timing is dead set and i heard you can adjust idle with a screw? Is the screw (looking at the pdf on civic manual) on the idle boost diaphram? Somone said it was on the back and i can't seem to find it anywhere on the manual. Plus the fact that the vac lines and everything are blocking the back of the manifold. the only thing i could find on the manual which is a screw on the back is the idle stop screw. Can someone help me? I hate having really bad idle. Thanks!


07 June 2004 - 03:31 AM

I have an ew1 engine in my civ and was wondering what is the normal idle? i noticed after the fan turns off, the engine goes pretty low, below 750. i set it both on advantage and retarded (lol) and the idle didn't change at all it looked like. What the hell is going on?


02 June 2004 - 10:31 PM

I was just curious as to how much a rusted fender well would cost to fix at a shop? removed, welded, and painted? I want to get a car but it has rust on it. It isn't much, little spots here and there and was wondering how much lower i can bring down the price. Anyone have had there wheel wells fixed? Let me know. Thanks

Common Places

07 May 2004 - 05:15 AM

Where are the places that rust apears on the 1st gen? I know fenders for sure. I did a search and didn't come up with much. I also looked in the FAQ and found nothing. Anyone want to chime in? Thanks guys.

Leaky Water Pump

03 May 2004 - 10:15 PM

I have a new water pump on my engine. when i first installed it, i did it without a gasket sealer. It leaked. The second time i did it, i put gasket sealer around the gasket because i thought it leaked there. It didn't work. So i found out that it was leaking at the bleeder valve. Is there any way i can stop this? Is this natural? WTF is happening? Is there suppost to be a bolt or something in it? I really don't want to take the thing off again and have to use gasket maker on with the gasket again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks