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Member Since 24 Sep 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2004 11:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Looking For Guy Near Gatlinburg. You Pm'd

03 January 2004 - 06:35 PM

i was looking for a complete harness and you tried to sell me whole car. now i have a little money and might buy it. anyone else in tennessee with parts car f/s

sorry if this is in wrong forum but i need to get in touch with him and cant remember name.

thanks all

Modified Intake

26 December 2003 - 01:07 AM

ok i'm doing the carb'd to FI and have got into a a prob. the guy i am buying the parts from modified the intake to accept a ZC throttle body, and the stock one will not fit. technically does that mean just a throttle body from a 1st gen teg will work as long as it's a dohc, or am i gonna have to finda jdm part? are they all the same? i mean the american d16 and the jdm one? he says it wont be a problem to get me one cause that was part of the deal, but i dont want to have to wait for someone else to find it especially when he's already paid and not in a hurry now for the cash. oh yeah the FI swap is just from an 85 dx to an 86 Si. oh, and maybe ya'll can help too...if i wanted an Si tranny would i have to change the knuclkes too because i heard that the axles are different is this correct?

Si Head On A Ew Block

12 December 2003 - 12:11 AM

ok i went down and wrote this down, i am the proud owner of an 1985 EW1-2506043 that is the carb'd model. i am purchasing an 87 Si head, intake manifold, and exhaust manifold and most everything to convert to Fi even the gas tank from an aquaintence that did the dohc ZC swap. my question is this do i have the 1.3 or 1.5 block and is those parts gonna work on my EW1 block? some one please tell me it will, cause im already dedicated and am looking for a Si harness to do this swap. also while i have the head off i was gonna change the rings and rods and maybe the pistons and crank rings, where is a good place to get this stuff, im not gonna be auto-x or drag racing but i will proubually be a very hard daily driver on this car and i want it reliable. thanks in advance

Whole Subframe? Or

01 December 2003 - 08:15 PM

when putting in the 86-89 integra motor should i keep looking for a donor for the whole subframe or can i just change from the ball-joints out?

Is My Tranny Bad?

30 November 2003 - 06:59 PM

bought this car for $100 man says clutch is bad, changed clutch this weekend and now it still doesn't engauge so i can put it in gear, i know we put the clutch in right, cause we used the alignment tool, got every thing back in and it still wont engauge enough to get into gear, also we tried to start it in gear with the clutch in and it still tried to jump foreward...we adjusted the clutch cable and that helped none.what could be going on?? and to beat it all...now i have a big pool of oil from the tranny and i cant find out where it is coming from. please help i am new to this!

thanks ahead.