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Member Since 24 Sep 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2004 11:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Muffler Bearings

30 January 2004 - 12:51 PM

hey i was at o reily's auto parts and they are fineally carrying the slotted
nike air brake shoes it would be a good addition to your crossdrilled brake lines

In Topic: Modified Intake

28 December 2003 - 12:46 PM

thanks that cleared my questions up glad i can post and recieve great help anythime i need it. seriously thanks guys!

In Topic: Hf To Si

22 December 2003 - 08:57 PM

actually you dont need the entire harness, i am currently in the process of doing a DX carb'd in an 85 crx to a 86 crx Si. i'm just swapping the head,intake,and oil pan. i'm using the si exhaust manifold and an external fuel pump and the ecu. i am not changing the whole harness just adding it and splicing some things. i think it's as easy as that. this is only for a carb ------>Si . not the dohc swap and thats not too bad either you only need a few more parts for that like nuckles and axles but to do my swap you keep your axles. please anyone correct me if i am wrong cause this is my first swap and still am learning. just my $.02

In Topic: Si Head On A Ew Block

12 December 2003 - 12:13 AM

also according to the chart in the FAQ the number in my vin says that it is a dx model cause it has the number 2 and that equals to standard or dx

In Topic: A Pretty Gay Site

09 December 2003 - 11:40 PM

that post almost aggitated me until he admitted that a crx can leash him and walk him where ever he goes...i really think they do like their cars. that site is soooo funny!