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Member Since 27 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2014 11:55 PM

Topics I've Started

Auto Tranny "issues"

10 May 2014 - 11:55 PM

Ok, so I have noticed a few things driving my new '87 hatchback around.  First off, what is being described in this thread with the overdrive not staying locked in and only locking with a fair amount of the gas pedal being pushed down.  I had the same issue on my '88.



Secondly, it seems like my tranny is shifting too early.  Under normal crusing conditions it shifts at ~11mph, ~21mph, and ~30mph into 2nd/3rd/4th, respectively.  If I'm flooring it it'll get into 4th at about 39-40mph.  I don't have an aftermarket tach set up yet, so I don't know exactly what RPM's I'm at, but it just feels like it's shifting too soon.  Also, the car will rarely drop gears to accelerate quickly, no matter how far I'm pushing the pedal it just won't do it.  Has anyone had an issue like this with their auto tranny?  Any advice for what I should be looking at, or if this is even an issue?  I assume it's some sort of tranny cable issue, or maybe something to do with the TPS or throttle cable?

Weber Install - Cut Thrittle Cable End?

04 May 2014 - 08:03 PM

Ok, I have been cleaning out my engine bay doing the devac, and am installing a new Weber K726 like so many on here have.  Here is a picture of my stock throttle cable:




And I need to fit in through this hole in the linkage on the Weber:





Do you guys just cut the end bar off the stock throttle cable and try to feed it through the hole?  Is there any easier way to do this that I am just missing?

'87 Auto Tranny - Lockup Solenoid Or Valve?

30 April 2014 - 05:45 PM

My transmission doesn't stay in overdrive unless I have the pedal depressed a fair amount, causing me to accelerate while it locks into overdrive.  As soon as I let off the pedel to cruise at a normal speed it'll pop out of overdrive.  I have been told that my overdrive lockup solenoid may be clogged up and to remove/clean/install to see if that helps.  Well, the issue is I can't seem to find what I have been searching for (which should be easy to see), which is something like this (88-90 civic lockup solenoid): http://thumbs2.ebays...vz787VXJRGg.jpg


Has anyone done this to their 3g auto tranny before?  If so, could you give me a little help?  I got sent some shop diagrams and it looks like it may be a little lockup control valve that's more into the tranny rather than sticking out of the tranny like the solenoid does.  Any help is much appreciated to help me solve this issue.  I had the same issue with my '88 as well, with the overdrive not staying.