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Member Since 03 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2009 01:28 PM

Topics I've Started

Idle Problem 87 Civic

05 September 2005 - 05:01 PM

Will an unhooked oxygen sensor affect cold starting? We're trying to figure out why the car won't idle on a cold start. It has to be revved up to stay started until it's warm, and still sometimes dies on turns or stops after it's warm. What controls the idle at cold start or what could it be? Any ideas? I'm not sure what to ask for.

We looked in the manual and found the sensor, but we don't know what the sensor connects to on the carb/block/whatever.



What Does 3 Gen Civic Mean?

03 September 2005 - 03:06 PM

Sorry, but I'm new to all this. My 17 year old son just bought his first car - an 87 Honda Civic 4 door sedan. It has some problems, so I'm really happy to have found y'all!

What does 3rd generation civic mean? How can he find out if his car is a dx, lx or whatever? It doesn't say on the bumper.

The tortion bars need to be adjusted - bottoming out really bad.

Vac hoses may be leaking. A wire is cut between the carb and an exhaust sensor so the car revs up and down occasionally and stalls when cold, going around a corner, etc.

The head gasket is leaking a small amount of oil and maybe water. The water may be leaking from the plastic reservoir...under a pressure test, there was a small release of water. It might be internal, but the guy couldn't tell. (I am very concerned about this. I didn't think this car was worth $1400 US. We basically bought a $1400 a/c. blink.gif ) It runs near hot when drove at high speeds (a/c or not), otherwise it appears to run in a lower than normal temp range. No water in the oil.

The blinkers have something going with the lights and emergency blinkers...working erratically.

Any advice or answers to questions much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.