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Member Since 28 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2011 09:37 AM

Topics I've Started

86 Si Overheating...only At Night, Huh?

04 February 2011 - 09:33 AM

So my trusty '87 CRX Si started overheating one night while tooling around town so the next day I start the usual process. Coolant levels good, fan come on when the engine temp. gauge gets about halfway up, no leaks in hoses that I can see. The water pump and thermo were changed less than two years ago. At this point I started scratching my head.
I did notice that during the day, doing the same drive, that it stays nice and cool. Then I experiment by turning on my lights and sure enough the temp starts to creep up. OK, check the manual and the fan and the right headlight share a common ground, I check out the connections and run the engine at idle with the lights on just to see if some electrical gremlin keeps the fan from coming on with the lights on. I idle with the lights on, fan comes on. But, all the same that night she overheats again, wtf?? blink.gif
I am open to suggestions at this point, thanks in advance.


Wtb 87 Si Shift Rod

13 April 2010 - 08:40 AM

I could really use a shift rod for my 87 Si. if you have one let me know, and please inspect the outer hole to insure it isn't worn out and widened which is the problem with mine and it allows too much play in the shifter. thanks.