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Napalm Headers

Member Since 13 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2013 10:08 PM

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1987 Crx Dx (stock Automatic): Suspension/tranny Concerns

25 January 2013 - 02:50 AM

Hello all,


I recently purchased a 1987 CRX DX (automatic) and as far as I can tell, there are no modifications. My concerns regard the transmission and suspension. The front passenger side tire wobbles at slow speeds (5-25 mph) and isn't as evident at higher speeds (30-50). I suspect this is due to tire camber and I know I need a new set of tires, but I wonder if it couldn't also be the ball joint or something else in that area.


Transmission wise, the fourth gear must be chipped because when I attempted to use it after first buying the car, it would grind occasionally. The seller did mention that the fourth gear was "missing". When I start the car up, there's a grinding noise that comes from under the car and I have no idea what it could be. I don't know much about about mechanics as it is I'm stuck filtering through my repair manual (which doesn't seem to have a troubleshooting section.


I bought the car for $450 and so far its just minor repairs needed, not including the tranny/wobble, such as new weather stripping, header panel, and fuses. All in all, it runs; the gauges work and it starts up decently enough (even with cold starts). Not bad for $450, considering the seller just wanted to get rid of it and I probably bought it right around scrap value. That and I've been able to run 3rd gear as far as 60mpg, but around there the car starts to act as if its going to have a fit. I mainly just drive it around town and hardly go over 45mph.


Also, at times when I shut the car down, it "shudders". Maybe thsi is due to the carb not being fully warmed up? On top of that, a strange vibration  just started occuring in the rear passenger side area.


I posted this here in Technicals since I figured it fit, but if this isn't the correct place then feel free to relocate it. Either way, I saw that the boards were still active so I thought I'd try my hand at some advice. I'm still reading through old posts so if this is a common issue, don't shoot the messenger.


- Ted