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Member Since 22 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2004 07:17 PM

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In Topic: Gosh Darn Breaks

09 April 2004 - 03:06 PM

even the break pedal starts to get harder and harder.

In Topic: Gosh Darn Breaks

09 April 2004 - 12:26 AM

no like the whole car just start to slow down a little by little
and then like it has a burning smell from the breaks and the breaks is hard

In Topic: Gosh Darn Breaks

08 April 2004 - 11:39 PM

ya just the front brakes gets tighter and tighter and then it starts to smoke and the break pedal feels harder and harder

In Topic: Gosh Darn Breaks

08 April 2004 - 07:09 PM

only 2 of the front breaks get tighter when i drive araund

In Topic: I Cant Put My Back Break On

04 April 2004 - 06:23 PM

i fix the problem thx