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Member Since 25 Mar 2002
Offline Last Active Dec 02 2015 11:56 AM

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In Topic: Crx Roll Cage

04 September 2003 - 02:36 PM

If you can get access to a car with a cage in it take the time to make card board patterns of the inside radius of as many hoops as you can get at.
Then bend the tubes to match.
Getting the main hoop tight to the body is the toughest part.
If it's perfect the rest of the cage will work sweet.
But if your sloppy with that tube the rest will be all over the place.
We use a really simple cheap pipe bender.
You don't need anything fancy.
Just take your time and be careful the pipe doesn't collapse.

Blah blah blah...
Can you tell fabrication is my fav? biggrin.gif

In Topic: Crx Roll Cage

04 September 2003 - 01:31 PM

A great site for pic's of cages is:
These guys are focused on stockcars but the basics are the same.
Do what Greg says for sure. If your going to race, make sure your cage meets the requirements. Some techs are finicky about the oddest things.
I had one give us shit because we had the seam on the out side of the bend.
So make sure you know what you’re going to be tech'ed for.
The rule book should tell you what you use for tube.

Doodson's pic is a nice basic cage.
It's the same one I have in my street/track car.
Although basic it can be added to meet your local rules.
I added door bars (removable), dash bar and a petty bar to it.
When you mount it to the floor pan take time to guarantee there is meat to bolt too. If not then make sure to reinforce the underside of the pan. 1/4 plate is your friend here.

If you are going to weld your cage in then consider welding brackets between the top hoops and the roof. That adds a tremendous amount of rigidity. But you may find you suspension setting will go all to hell because of it. We stopped doing this to our stockcars because it was too rigid, big hits would buckle the roof. But on the RR cars it was popular.

Oh, and one last thing, the bar you add to mount your belts too should be as close to the seat as you can comfortable build it. Too far back will mean your shoulder belts are too long. The shorter they are the less they will stretch if you wreck.

Sheesh, that's a lot of yapping form me.
Hope it helps

In Topic: Bowling For Colmbine

03 September 2003 - 09:14 AM



just for a differant flavour but still mostly in english

Ballance is good. Don't believe everything every tells you. Not even CNN huh.gif
Every one has an agenda, hell i sure do!
Read everything the decide for your self.
THAT is free speach.

shit, it's 9am and i'm up on my soap box. I'm done.

In Topic: Bowling For Colmbine

03 September 2003 - 07:20 AM

um, what sells papers?
what gets people watching tv?
what makes folks buy magazines?

Call me jaded if ya like.
After 20 years working for big business I've seen so much hart ache caused by greed. It's not personal it's profit.

Re: smoking, here in Winnipeg we have a complete ban on smoking in our city. Indoors and out. Business at the bars was slow for a month. Then it picked right back up. Oddly it coincided with oxygen bars popping up everywhere.

On a lighter note we just had our first bar with beds instead of tables open.
Woo hoo!!!! I'll take sex over violence any day!

In Topic: 4 Bike Carbs

18 August 2003 - 07:07 AM

We put GSXR cards on Suzuki 410 (early Samurai) back in 86. It was a bloody nightmare. blink.gif
It never idled well but from 3g's to red it sang.
The manifold was a tone of work to get set up. We ended up needing a crossover tube going through the runners to balance pressures.
You need to get the cards as close to the angle they sat on the bike.
Initially we had them flat and they flooded constantly.
Be very careful with fuel pressure.
And if you can get a colour tune it will help tremendously setting up the jetting.
One thought though, the 410 had a 998cc motor and we used carbs off an 1100cc bike. I don't know what to recommend with a 1500cc.
Good luck, Rob.