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Red Pepper Racing


So I Am Going To Be In Houston

Gimpalot's Photo Gimpalot 16 Oct 2008

I am coming down on Sunday and have to leave on Wed. as soon as the class is over, but thought it might be cool to meet a few of the guys if they are available.

I will be "free" Sunday from arrival, and then on Monday and Tuesday after 5 if anyone is interested in meeting....

I will be in my truck, as I am bringing oldrexer a hood.

bp is trailing me down to meet up with zakats as well, but I don't know if he is staying the whole time or not.

zakats's Photo zakats 19 Oct 2008

you crazy kids with your wild antics! see ya'll in a few hours+7 days!

badpenny's Photo badpenny 19 Oct 2008

One week away