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Member Since 01 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2014 05:05 AM

Topics I've Started

Recessed Headlights Crx

10 February 2014 - 01:50 PM

looking for a complete set of recessed headlight for my crx..


need's to be a complete set because over here the're no spare parts (europe)



if someone got a complete set and is willing to ship them to the netherlands... give me a quote ;) (including shipment please, quite some differences in cost's depending on the state you're in)

Lean Running At Low Rpm (Ew3)

05 February 2014 - 04:19 PM

got a serious problem,


my car runs fine and the idle is quite good, no strange sounds or anything like that


however it's ridicules lean til about 4500 rpm (high 20's)

after 4500 rpm is runs mid 14's

even with the piggyback afc +50% it's still in the high 18/19 on the wideband (got one installed for the next engine i'm building)


so far i tested the map and tps sensor (devac't so nothing more to test?)

bypassed the fuel filter and the pressure regulator was exchanged with one from my donor engine.


engine is further stock

it is a edm engine so no o2 sensor or a catalyc converter (and 100hp B))



anyone any idea what can cause this?




only thing that is on my mind is the fuel pump, this is making quite some noisse, but if it isn't up to the task it wont be running 14's at 4500rpm?








Possible To Piggyback The Pre-Obd Ecu's? ( Pj1 )

24 January 2014 - 06:00 PM

anyone ever "piggyback't" a similair ecu?


for my ew-3 project i'm going to use a edm pj1 ecu with a "mugen" chip


why this one you think? the reason is because it's the only ecu that is chippable for a higher rpm limiter (8500)

the second reason is because i'm going to run itb's and that setup requires a lot more fuel that the ew3 ecu/injectors just can't deliver


the only problem is that it's probably will be overfueling to aprox 4500rpm..

on the higher rpm range i can correct the fuel pressure to get it correct

(don't know for sure till i got it running ofcourse)


was thinking of knocking of a volt or 2 from the map sensor till 4500rpm,

just don't know how yet


any ideas?

How Much Power On A Stock Ew3 Gearbox

24 January 2014 - 03:05 PM

i'm in the process of building a high power drag/sprint ew3 crx. (aiming for 170+ bhp)

going to crank it up to 8000+ rpm  with light flywheel with a solid padlle clutch


my question is how much torq and abuse can a stock gearbox have? and which parts will fail first?


also; are there thicker axles that i can use?