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Member Since 20 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2004 09:40 PM

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In Topic: Drifting?!?!?

17 June 2004 - 04:58 PM

FF drifting is about looks more then anything else, the problem with FF drifting is that you lose way to much speed unlike FR drifting where you only loose a little bit of speed. you cannot sequentaily drift a FF like a FR.

In Topic: Drifting?!?!?

16 June 2004 - 06:05 PM

being a RWD enthusist now, and owning a 240sx i will tell you that drifting is something only a RWD can do, i used to think it could be done with a FF also, but the feeling is diffrent in a RWD, the slide is more controlled.

Drifting isnt through more than one turn it can be done with a single turn, a drift is started before you even enter the turn, oversteer-countersteer in the direction you want to go- throttle control- more counter steer- come out of it, now to drift all of those must be put together at one time, and i dont know about you guys but oversteer is best left to RWD in my opnion.

In Topic: Starting Probs

16 June 2004 - 11:10 AM

its all good,

i cant do any of them anyways right now, ive got no money, and my friend wont sucker up any more...

In Topic: Starting Probs

15 June 2004 - 07:58 PM

i know... blink.gif

In Topic: Starting Probs

15 June 2004 - 07:45 PM

okay i got the filter issue cleared up, and the car sounds much better on start up but still wont catch. i can smell a small amount of odd smelling fuel, but i think my problem is that the fuel tank is way to low, i dupt a gallon in and it didnt move the needle at all. or that the plugs have way to much gap.