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Member Since 03 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active Mar 06 2008 11:50 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: My Crx Is Officially Dead.

04 November 2006 - 02:07 AM

Well, I guess the guy is still driving the CRX, we passed it on my way to working the hockey game.

As for what exactly was separating, I am not sure, we were just told that what was the major problem. Dunno. I do know that a year after I got the car, and started tearing into it, that the car had been in a pretty good accident. Looked like it was T-boned. The passenger side, around the door and quarter panel, was nice and bondo'ed up. Somebody had nailed the car with their door, and part of the paint and bondo chipped off.

Anyway, a Type S K series swap in my car would be perfect, and not too difficult. Not nearly as complicated as my CRX swap. But, I won't even think about that until the car is about 3-4 years old. Around then, I should have some cash saved up, and decide to mod my Fit, or find me another CRX shell. Other than that, I plan on keeping my car dead stock looking for now. Keeps the cops from harassing me.

In Topic: The Crx Is In A New Home.

06 August 2006 - 06:45 PM

As I stated before, whoever comes and gets the hood, can take it. I am not asking any money for it.

On the other hand, we took the carbon fibre overlay gas door and put the stock red one back on. So, Any bidders for it? As soon as I can find my camera, I will snap some pics, and put it in the classifieds area.

In Topic: The Crx Is In A New Home.

05 August 2006 - 08:55 PM

Actually, everytime I ran across somebody with a 1st gen CRX, I told them about this site, but I never seen any of them on here.

Like I said, first person to show up and take the hood, gets it. I kept it on foam for a long time, and I had waxed the car several times before the hood came off. Just been sitting in my garage.

David (My buddy who now owns the CRX) is going to take good care of it. I took over all the interior pieces, and he is already putting it all together. I left all the rear interior pieces out for weight. As for price, I won't disguss that, being as he is the guy that rebuilt all my motors overnight when I needed them. I kinda owed him allot. If it wasn't for him, the CRX wouldn't have a B Series in it.

Oh, he did find where to get those plastic ring guides for the window guides. (the plastic rings that sit in the tracts) He has a buddy at acura, and he cross referenced them to the Integra. He is going to see if they work. If they do, he or I will let everybody know.

In Topic: An End To The Fun.... For Me.

31 July 2006 - 10:35 AM

Deep down, I don't want to get rid of the car. But, I am getting a good offer on a 06' Civic LX. Will be a drastic change to get used to "power" anything. As for parting it out, wouldn't take very long to move the stuff on Ebay, just figured I would give RPR first dibs.

As for the rotors, I just got them. We honestly think is is just some shitty bearings. What I would prefer to do is just replace both bearings, pads, and have the front end re-aligned. Also, the front end is on extended studs as well, with some tack welds to make sure they dont' move.

In Topic: Riced Out Sedan

30 July 2006 - 10:26 PM

And my favorite saying about its raceability:

"In fact it blew through the quarter mile in only 20.11 Seconds at 66.8 MPH!"

Now, thats FAST!