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Member Since 21 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2024 02:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: So What's Your Best Cop Story?

25 January 2013 - 12:58 AM

I was running late to work one morning driving my CRX, lowered, gutted, cage, sticky R-comps, and a very loud exhaust. I had my normal route with red lights, then I had my "running late" route with no lights and lots of twisty turns through side streets. Speed limit is 30MPH but my radar detector didnt pick up anything so I gunned it. I am pushing 65PMH down the 1st strait then brake late to take the 1st tight left. I cut the corner hard driving the wrong side of the road. Next the hard right then another strait. I accelerate out of the turn pushing 50 then come to a stop sign and the T in the road where I should turn left. I look both ways, then in my rear view mirror. What do I see? Lights. Very unhappy lights flashing trying to catch up. My mind goes crazy trying to think "where did i miss the cop?! Where were they sitting? Why didnt my radar detector go off?! I turn left and then pull over to the side. My mind is racing, my heart is pounding and I know there is NO way i can get out of this. I am going to be very late to work as well as get a BIG ticket for going over twice the legal limit if not get hauled off to jail. I get my licence and insurrance ready as the officer (really cute short haired blonde which didnt help my nervousness any) walks up. She says, "I pulled you over because you were doing at least 55 in 30 zone and you didnt signal for the last 3 turns." I am thinking, "Shit... I am screwed." She takes my licence and runs it. A couple minutes later she comes back and says, "The only reason I am not giving you a ticket today is because I dont know exactly how fast you were going. Slow down next time." 



In Topic: 87 Crx Si Rebuild

24 January 2013 - 11:56 PM

looking good so far



In Topic: Deer Vs Crx

02 December 2012 - 03:51 PM

hahaha only a Texan would do that! I am proud of you. Never let meat go to waste.


In Topic: 87 Honda Crx Si Parts Car - $500 (duncanville)

10 October 2012 - 09:33 PM


Thanks for looking,


In Topic: Coolant Smell?

10 October 2012 - 12:09 AM

If you have access to a pressure checker for your cooling system put that on there and then look for the leak. I suspect under pressure you will find it coming from the heater core.
