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Red Pepper Racing


Site Status Update

rpr's Photo rpr 10 Nov 2018

Hello all,


The server fees are coming due shortly, and I'm not super happy with the setup, so I am going to take advantage of this timing and let the contract expire and re-tool the site, and re-launch it. I don't have a time frame, but in the mean time there is a decent group on Facebook (https://www.facebook...13075212286412/) and yes, I hate Facebook too, but it's not going away any time soon. I'd prefer to use Reddit, but it doesn't seem like anyone else seems to use it, so I'll leave it on Facebook. The contract runs out on the 16th, so on or around that time the site will stop working and I will redirect to the Facebook group temporarily. I hope to get the service manuals working again, as well as upgrade the site to the latest version of the software, as it's way behind in updates.


If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.



