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Member Since 27 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active May 11 2015 11:32 PM

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In Topic: Cheddas H22 Civic - Dec 2014, Rear Camber + Toe Adjusters

30 November 2014 - 09:36 PM

gunna go along the floorboard and then from the top down along the door to kind of stop the side if you end up rolling? You know how once the car loses traction that ass end likes to come out

In Topic: Cheddas H22 Civic - Dec 2014, Rear Camber + Toe Adjusters

13 September 2014 - 09:37 AM

I am with chedda. Our cars are NOT meant to take a hit at all. I tapped a curb with the back tire going sideways on ice. Maybe going 15 and it bent the whole frame and I had to replace the whole rear axle(replaced with g1teg axle)

Again, I have seen chedda's car after hitting a moose awhile back and it wasnt pretty. He is lucky to be alive let alone still doing what he does for our cars. Any kind of strength for our cars is needed, even just to hold them together while they go down the road.


An idea to look into though, which is something euopean cars are already doing and we are starting to use in our cars in america. But everyone thinks of making the car stronger so there is less chances of everything smashing in on you. But if you think of hitting sand with your hand to try and get through it, hitting it flat with your fist doesnt do much but if you smack it with an open hand sand will fly around and it doesnt hurt so much. Idea is that you want the car to crush and absorb the impact in as many areas as you can rather then trying to not crush at all.

I think what chedda did is great. It was send the shock around the car instead of straight through.



Sorry for such a long writting

In Topic: Cheddas H22 Civic - Dec 2014, Rear Camber + Toe Adjusters

15 August 2014 - 12:12 AM

Wouldnt mind buying the inner tubular bumper in some kind of kit. Would for sure make me feel safer

In Topic: Cheddas H22 Civic - Dec 2014, Rear Camber + Toe Adjusters

28 February 2014 - 12:32 AM

Im sure you hear this a lot.. but damn it Jordian you do damn good work

In Topic: Member Warning?

10 February 2014 - 10:35 PM

Yeah I went back over my record and sold markers to him awhile ago.. he lives in Cali. If need be.. I can copy and paste the conversation