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Member Since 08 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2009 01:10 AM

Topics I've Started

Poor Lil Civic

26 November 2006 - 02:33 AM

On friday morning just before 7am some guys trailer lost its tire and it was carrying a tank of diesel we have been told which spilt all along the road probably about a couple of cars long.

I come around a blind corner in a 100km zone see one ute just up the road driving over the center line into my lane and another ute behind that slowing down real quickly, i see this and put on my brakes but basically could not get any traction at all as there was some diesel spilt all over the road by some idiot, so basically just slam into the back of it at probably around 80-90km/h around 60miles an hour i think and munched the front of my car even bending the chassy.

Heres some pics

We got put in an ambulance as i had a real sore back from the impact and Alex (3gcvc) has sore chest from the seatbelt as the left side hit a bit more and went more in because there had been rust repairs on that side, basically went to hospital for 3 hours sat around talked to police and had xrays and were told to go home and take panadol.

Now we have the issue of having to pay the towing company about 120bux (like 70 or 80USD) for towing fees with it growing by the day.

Already on the search for a new civic and hopefully will get a bit from the guys insurance to cover this.

But we already have ideas for a revival of this civic...

My Car

14 August 2006 - 02:36 AM

Okay, I know im a girl and i dont really know much about cars but yeah. I have just got a 1985 civic hatchback (well it was sorta my bf got me one as he want another project and i needed a car). Dont have any pictures at the moment but will put some more on later.

It was a pretty big mission to get it as firstly it was going to be this other one exactually the same but red that we have sort of found out that it has a mind of its own and at the moment it is doing what it wants (just rusting away in a paddock).

We had to drive about 5 hours up to auckland to pick it up. When we left the tyres had about 3mms of tread on them i think. And i think there was something wrong with the wheel alignment and with the angle that the (heavy) trailer put the car on (1984 honda accord) it just seemed to chew through tyres, after a little while we had to stop and change the spare tyre as it had nearly gone through all the way through the tyre to the wire. By the time we had got to where the car was to pick up we badly needed to change the front tyres again lol, luckily we had a few on hand, on the way back it wasn't as bad because the civics weight on the back sort of evened it out a bit.

When we were about 1 1/2 hours from home we hear this screeching sound coming from the back of the trailer with sparks coming off we stopped the car and went to investigate with a tiny LED light, on of the wheels of the trailer had snapped completely bar and all, and as we werent actuaally allowed to take the trailer that far it was only supposed to be dumping another shell off at the dump in town we were running around trying to find the missing wheel as by this time it was about 1am we tied the bit where the wheel was supposed to be onto the top of the trailer so it stayed up the right height and drove very very slowly the whole way home.

The next day as we had to recover the missing wheel, we drove all the way back and after about half an hour of searching the edges of a farmers land we finally found it half way down a ditch. Also since then we were trying to move the car to where it is now it just decides to break down in the middle of a road which has about 20 cars per day driving through it.

Well since that car just wanted to sit in a paddock and rust and if you tried getting it to do anything else we just decided to leave it there and find another one.

My one i have now is the 1985 civic hatch its blue with a purple pearl or purple pearl (it just looks purple anyway). It was a much better except for the overcrowding of fitting 5 people in another civic hatchback and no other problems.

I will post some pictures of my car up some other day