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Member Since 06 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active May 01 2016 10:52 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 1985 Crx Si - Please De-Stupidify Me

28 April 2016 - 08:47 PM

And it was……..  Drumroll please.


Clogged sock in fuel pump which was pressurizing the system.  Cleaned and runs like a beast.  


Car is sadly for sale now.  It deserves better than I; and I just dont have the time for it.



In Topic: Possessed 1985 Crx Kicking My Butt

01 November 2015 - 05:25 PM

Still intermittently troubleshooting and have a question.


The Continuity on the ignition is in spec.  12 volts to the solenoid turns the starter.  The ignition to the starter is reading 12 volts at the solenoid when key turned.  The motor cranks on about every 5-7 key turn.


Is it possible that the contacts in the starter are bad?  The only weird thing is 12 volts to the solenoid spins the heck out of that thing. Every time.


If I could solve this it would key start every time.



In Topic: Tranny Id 1985 Crx

21 October 2015 - 05:58 PM

Thanks Jeff.


Is there something that you are aware of that identifies the tranny's?  I have been looking but havent found anything yet. Thx!

In Topic: Possessed 1985 Crx Kicking My Butt

20 October 2015 - 06:34 PM

So with everyone's help…….


It runs.  Vroom Vroom.


I checked everything again including continuity for the ignition switch (which checked out).  Put a charge on the battery so it was hot.  Turned key and fuel pump came on.  Turned to start nothing.  Again nothing.  Third time it fired and ran.  Killed it turned ignition again nothing.  So it went, sometimes it fired and sometimes not.


So I am going to check grounds and connections. and keep measuring volts.  Curiously, taking the negative from 6 gauge to 4 gauge wouldnt create an issue would it?


However I guess my question is, with an ignition that checks out, intermittent start with nothing in between…….. any usual culprit?  since it is narrowed down, sound like anything or are there still too many variables?  


i am keeping a list of everything that checks out and actually testing multiple times since the main relay fiasco.  BTW is was terminal 2/8 which was coincidentally the ECU code I was getting.  The ECU isnt spitting codes now.


You guys have proved far more wise and clever than I. (darn main relay lol) Anjin mentioned voltage at ignition and will check that with an extra pair of hands.  


Car runs good when it runs.

In Topic: Possessed 1985 Crx Kicking My Butt

18 October 2015 - 10:49 AM

So indeed it was the sneaky Main relay.


Went on line and fond some photos of bad solder lugs on the Main relay and could see that lugs 2 and 8 looked to have cracked.  It appears they were giving me intermittent conductivity but continuous.  I resoldered 2 and 8 and checked continuity across the board and it was consistent.  I plugged it back in and get fuel pump consistently.  Still intermittent starter but more frequently than before.


I will be checking things under the hood today.


The main relay was kinda sneaky but you guys knew.