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G Wellwood

Member Since 12 Jan 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 03 2005 09:03 PM

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In Topic: White gages

12 January 2003 - 03:30 AM

I got the white dials jpg from Pasi, who has a web page here:


He originally sent me a Corel Draw file containing the dials, but I misplaced it in one of the many Windoze-induced crashes over the years.  I had saved a full size jpg somewhere at that time, which I uploaded so as not to lose it.

I tried contacting him to get another copy of the Corel file, but I don't think he had it anymore either.  Both of us have moved on from our 3G Civics.

With decent drawing/drafting programs, it shouldn't be difficult to re-draw a set of gauge-only dials in your particular shade of white or electric fuschia.

Pasi printed his dials onto cardstock and then glued them (I believe?) to the cluster.

Happy hunting!

Greg Wellwood
The Sinister Sentra |||| "If it ain't broken, you ain't trying hard enough"