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Member Since 23 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active May 22 2005 01:05 AM

Topics I've Started

My Car And Former Car

03 September 2004 - 03:10 PM

I know its a 4g, but I love hondas. anyway heres the pics

1.8l B16a

21 June 2004 - 05:39 AM

Well, i've decided it's time for a bitchin' naturally aspirated motor. So i've already started forming the money pit. This is the first major purchase, The setup is down in the post, here's my b17 crank. Any input/comments/questions welcome.

My New Honda.

19 May 2004 - 08:41 PM

Well i've been kinda reluctant to tell you guys, fearful you might hate me for being a traitor. I'm sorry. After all the work making the 87 b16 powered i decided super rust plus anti-suspension (somehow my suspension made the ride more harsh) isn't gonna cut it. The good news, its still a honda, still a hatchback, and will stay rice free. The Bad news (not really) its a 4G. Yup, i got a 91 pewter gray metallic, right hand mirrorless, dx hatch with A/C (don't work). I do have the 87 civic si shift knob on it though. (way better than the 91 dx one.) I'll have some pics of it as soon as i get hosted. still love you guys. i still think this is the best honda forum on the net. No fights, no fights, no crap, good people, good cars, and great info. Hope I'm still welcome despite my 4g status.

The Dead Torque Mount

19 May 2004 - 05:35 PM

could anyone on here host for me. So i can provide pics for your enjoyment. wink.gif thanks.

B16 Was Fun, But Rust Has Won

06 May 2004 - 11:14 PM

Hey guys well the b16's torque mount decided to pull off a piece of the frame, rendering the car useless. anything thing and everything is for sale too. very cheap. except hasport custom axles (shafts). those will be more reasonably priced. i've got the whole interior, the engine, you know all of it. anyway thanx for looking.