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Member Since 22 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 22 2004 08:00 PM

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In Topic: 86 Si For Grassroots In O4

22 June 2004 - 10:52 PM

OK guys, I'm the buddy thats talked him into the challenge. I entered last year and really wanna do it again this year. We appreciate all of the help and tips you could give us. I need to know some stuff though. First off, I am a domestic guy but appreciate all and have the willing to learn, so the Honda stuff is new to me. I have lots of ?'s. The thing is, to be competitive we gotta be fast. What is the potential for the EW4 that came in the SI CRX? Our plan is to boost and spray. We have a IHI Rhb 5 and intercooler off of a 1st gen Turbo probe. We also have all the nitrous crap we need. Will this motor take some abuse???? or are we better of w/ a d16 swap? We need to have a solid 13 sec drag car to be competitive in the drags. Our car has to handle exceptionally well also cuz we will be against some tough comp. Turbo AWD DSM's seem to do well at kicking butt. The concours part is in the bag for us due to our profession. This profession also blesses us w/ skills to weld and fabricate, so thats not a big factor either. Like I said all of the info is appreciated, so if ya gotta tip we could use, throw it out.