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Member Since 07 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active May 01 2014 01:09 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Guy Gets His Gf A Crx

02 October 2011 - 03:39 AM

my car. yay. just needa teach her how to drive a 5 speed. maybe it will be painted by then haha


In Topic: Accordb20a's Crx Build Thread

20 August 2011 - 02:48 AM

Swapped the oil pump from tims ZC i have spare. new cambelt and water pump too, tensioner was pretty much new so i did not bother. heres some pics from the conversion.

fail the finished pic didnt come out, but you get the picture, rocker cover is stripped ready for a coat of paint also..

In Topic: Accordb20a's Crx Build Thread

16 August 2011 - 01:50 AM

dunno might be a japanese car thing as mines an Import.

Fixed the oil leak today, when i removed the old gasket the little metal spacers were still there and i put the new gasket on over top not knowing and the bolts wouldnt even tighten up because of two little spacer things. i didnt even see them haha. all fixed now
In other news my rear muffler fell apart:(


fucking cunty bitch, fixed the oil leak and now the oil pump takes a dump, its been making whirring noises ever since i put the engine in but the noise went away when it warmed up so i thought nothing of it. so it was sweet, now i start it up and the oil light stays on, no whirring noise, poos i knew i should have swapped the pump over

Out comes the engine again this time ill do the pump, water pump and cambelt aswell so nothing else can go wrong

In Topic: Accordb20a's Crx Build Thread

15 August 2011 - 01:48 AM

pop ups ftw
just put the oil in and started it up, and it STILL leaks oil. damn it!

In Topic: Accordb20a's Crx Build Thread

14 August 2011 - 07:00 PM

Got the header installed onto my ZC, Had to do some modification and match the ports, china china header with its horible port cutouts lol

also replaced the sump gasket while i had it off as it used to leak a shitload of oil when you park it.

Did some rangi welding to make the header bolt to the stock pee shooter 1300 exhaust system, I guess ill need to get a new system built for this car sometime before i dyno tune it.