←  Texas

Red Pepper Racing


The Texas Horde

bobdragster's Photo bobdragster 21 Jul 2007

Alright Texans, here's the deal.

Texas is known for being rust free. Sadly, it is also known for being nearly 1g and 3g free as well. We must do something about this.

First, we have to invest in about an acre and a half of land. There is a lot right near my house we could buy up that is just that size. Next, every 1g/3g (and even other rare Hondas) you see, you buy. Junk yards, driveways, craigslist, ebay. All of them. Then, Buy every part you can find, and we'll store them in a shed on the lot.

We keep doing this, and one day, when everyone else is trying to find parts, they'll come running to us cause we'll be the only ones with the parts. We wont sell any of it though, only trade, but there will be a $50 fee. For Texas residents, all it will take is your membership into the next part of this post.

"The Texas Horde"
The club exclusively for Texas Honda owners who contribute to this project. To join, just contribute to the parts horde, and live in Texas, and be a Honda enthusiast. You will have free parts available to you.

I love myself for coming up with this idea.

I also hate myself for coming up with this idea, cause I know it will never happen.
Edited by bobdragster, 21 July 2007 - 08:14 PM.

PowerWheels86's Photo PowerWheels86 21 Jul 2007

i'm in... i'd also like for this plot of land to be like a garage... a place where we can work on our cars and have wicked ass texas meets... how much would this plot of land cost? they have 10-12 acre plots of land in pecos for like 10g's... pick up one of those... set up a warehouse like building with a secured plot of land around it... and that would work out nicely... i'm in... if we could get 10 people to invest 1 grand it would be easy to get a hold of... the more the merrier of course... and the lower the bill... then arises the question of who owns the property??

bobdragster's Photo bobdragster 21 Jul 2007

QUOTE (PowerWheels86 @ Jul 21 2007, 08:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'm in... i'd also like for this plot of land to be like a garage... a place where we can work on our cars and have wicked ass texas meets... how much would this plot of land cost? they have 10-12 acre plots of land in pecos for like 10g's... pick up one of those... set up a warehouse like building with a secured plot of land around it... and that would work out nicely... i'm in... if we could get 10 people to invest 1 grand it would be easy to get a hold of... the more the merrier of course... and the lower the bill... then arises the question of who owns the property??

As far as ownership, I would say whoever it is closest to. But the problem with it being near me, is I'm not quite old enough to own a plot of land that size... Yet.

But I will be in about 5 months (It's 18, right?)

Also, it has to be someone trustworthy in the RPR community. I would say I'm trustworthy, but just for good measure, I elect badpenny.

PowerWheels86's Photo PowerWheels86 21 Jul 2007

hey i don't care... i live all the way over in the west of texas... in el paso... i'll be 21 on halloween... and i'd have to drive all the way out there anyway to do anywork... hahaha i dream up stuff like this all the time... sometimes it helps when others are thinking the same thing... it could happen... i'd save up some money to own a small portion of land... you may also want to include tegs in this junkyard so that people can use them like donor cars... but once it's nothing but a frame you'd have to scrap that s.o.b.
Edited by PowerWheels86, 21 July 2007 - 09:08 PM.

bobdragster's Photo bobdragster 21 Jul 2007

QUOTE (PowerWheels86 @ Jul 21 2007, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey i don't care... i live all the way over in the west of texas... in el paso... i'll be 21 on halloween... and i'd have to drive all the way out there anyway to do anywork... hahaha i dream up stuff like this all the time... sometimes it helps when others are thinking the same thing... it could happen... i'd save up some money to own a small portion of land... you may also want to include tegs in this junkyard so that people can use them like donor cars... but once it's nothing but a frame you'd have to scrap that s.o.b.

Yeah, I was thinking something along the lines of a classic Hondas warehouse/lot.

badpenny's Photo badpenny 22 Jul 2007

JeffthaJ00La and I have already started this. Jeff has about 3 acres in Nevada (yes, there is a city spelt the same way as the state) Not to mention half my house which is driving my wife nuts. Anyways. For a small fee, and handwritten map, you can always come up and get one off his lot. Currently he has 3 1gs and 1 3g

bobdragster's Photo bobdragster 22 Jul 2007

QUOTE (badpenny @ Jul 22 2007, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
JeffthaJ00La and I have already started this. Jeff has about 3 acres in Nevada (yes, there is a city spelt the same way as the state) Not to mention half my house which is driving my wife nuts. Anyways. For a small fee, and handwritten map, you can always come up and get one off his lot. Currently he has 3 1gs and 1 3g

Oh, I thought someone said he sold off his cattle of Hondas... hmm...


badpenny's Photo badpenny 22 Jul 2007

QUOTE (bobdragster @ Jul 22 2007, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, I thought someone said he sold off his cattle of Hondas... hmm...

Nah, he is just tinkering with lizards, and Nismo's currently. He won't get rid of his cars. They hold sentimental value.

bobdragster's Photo bobdragster 22 Jul 2007

QUOTE (badpenny @ Jul 22 2007, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nah, he is just tinkering with lizards, and Nismo's currently. He won't get rid of his cars. They hold sentimental value.

Ooh ok...

Lizards? What are those? Like.. the animals?

badpenny's Photo badpenny 22 Jul 2007

QUOTE (bobdragster @ Jul 22 2007, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ooh ok...

Lizards? What are those? Like.. the animals?

Yep, and I told him that he needs to get some Horned Frogs and breed them (they are almost, if not totally extinct)

zakats's Photo zakats 25 Jul 2007

that would take some ganas friends... it'd def work if we had more members in a concentrated area and one person with a lot of initiative(and resources). I dont see it being able to happen without being profit minded. I'd love for it to happen... get an assload of 1g crx's, 1g tegs, 3 g civics...and hell alllllllllll civics, tegs, and various honda products that we can butcher, why the hell not?! we could pwn over the whole region of craigslist!

bobdragster's Photo bobdragster 08 Aug 2007

I'll be raking in cash in about 6 or 7 years... so maybe.

zakats's Photo zakats 08 Aug 2007

its always easier said than done... also that far ahead you might get diff priorities

bobdragster's Photo bobdragster 08 Aug 2007

QUOTE (zakats @ Aug 8 2007, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
its always easier said than done... also that far ahead you might get diff priorities

haha, yeah I know. I doubt it will happen.

Maybe a 2% chance? That sounds like a safe bet.

zakats's Photo zakats 08 Aug 2007

i dont mean to be a negative nancy, cause id hope to do the same thing (or similar) myself when I get out of college hopefully next summer... of course my first priority is the RWD civic or crx. blush.gif