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Red Pepper Racing


Bought My 1st Crx

mackdaddy2006's Photo mackdaddy2006 03 Aug 2005

i just bought my first crx, its a 86 crx si... she needs some work but i got her for a whooping 100 dollars. i love the car and is there anything i should look for in my car, such as if things tend to break or any ideas on what i should do first. i want to mod it up but only thing stopping me is my budget sad.gif

93 Cutty's Photo 93 Cutty 03 Aug 2005

Nice man, welcome. I just bought mine like 3 weeks ago, I don't have an SI but I have an 86 CRX. This place is great for information. 100 bones isn't bad, I paid 500 for mine. You have any pics yet?

mackdaddy2006's Photo mackdaddy2006 03 Aug 2005

no pics yet but now i know why everyone here loves them

Ghost-One's Photo Ghost-One 03 Aug 2005

fill out the location field it helps out alot... like if you are N. E. i would recommend a througgh rust search in the desert i would suggest checking for seized bolts on the schock mounts in the rear its sad to say all crx now need a full tear down and rebuild ... and we dont even qualify to have listed as a classic

badpenny's Photo badpenny 03 Aug 2005

PlAy DiRtY, jUsT dOn'T gEt CaUgHt