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Red Pepper Racing


It's That Time Of Year Again!

firstgencrx's Photo firstgencrx 04 Oct 2009

Hello Generous Peppers! I'm taking the initiative to officially start the RPR 2010 fundraising event!

Badpenny was kind enough to remind all of us, it's that time of year again to raise funds for RPR's operating costs. We only do this once a year, and it needs to happen to keep this place going.

Tom, our fearless leader is on the hook for a serious amount of money if we don't each cough up a tiny amount of dough. Some of you newer members may not realize what it really costs to run a high bandwidth forum like this. For example:

We all enjoy the reliability of a dedicated server hooked to a super fast high-speed internet pipe! I don't know the exact cost, but I'm going to guess it's about $1,300 to $1,600 per year, just for the server and bandwidth. We do love our pictures, so we end up using LOTS of bandwidth. wink.gif

Then there's the licensing fees between Tom and the IP.Board software we run on. There are fees for the basic board software and the various extra modules like the gallery we all enjoy so much! What would this place be like without pictures? blink.gif I'm just guessing those licensing fees are in the hundreds of dollars.

Now all of this comes out of Tom's pocket, and we don't want that to happen. He already gives away shit loads of his own time keeping this place running as smooth as it does. Ask yourself, how often is this place down compared to the other forums you frequent? I think you will agree, he does an amazing job running this place.

Plus, this is by far one of the friendliest places on the net. We all know what I'm talking about. You will find very few forums of this size and scope that are so civil and friendly.

So what do you get for your donation? Why I'm glad you asked!

For starters, some of the cool things you get with "Contributing Member" status, is a lot more pm folder storage. You also get the ability to edit the title of your posts, REALLY handy when you are doing a build thread!!!! You get the ability to edit a post without it saying so. You're also recognized by the forum as someone who really gives a damn about this place. But most importantly, you get the peace of mind knowing this place will be here when you have an important question for the group that saves you a BOAT LOAD OF MONEY! cool.gif

Sales pitch is over now! tongue.gif

So how much should you give?

There is no set amount. Any amount is super appreciated, and no one will ever judge you for how much you give. If you're employed in a good paying job, how about $50 or $100. For those with just regular jobs, $15 to $25 would be great! But remember, even $5 makes a difference!!!!

I know most of you can cough up $20 for the year. OK, guilt trip over. laugh.gif

Please, help keep this place going by donating now! The "Donate" button is located at the top right hand corner of the page. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can always send funds to Tom directly.

That is all. Take care everyone!


SEEKERone's Photo SEEKERone 04 Oct 2009

I coughed up $$$....thanks for the reminder

cbstdscott's Photo cbstdscott 04 Oct 2009

I'm in.

zakats's Photo zakats 04 Oct 2009

When I get home, you know it! Contributing to RPR is like buying drinks for a very hot prospect... I really don't mind spending a little to get to the good stuff! (or doing it even though I'm getting it for free, just for fun)

When can we expect to see the donation status bar reset? Everbody loves cheesey visuals!



Maine_Honda_Racer's Photo Maine_Honda_Racer 04 Oct 2009

I'll donate again as soon as I get paid this month.

firstgencrx's Photo firstgencrx 04 Oct 2009

You Guys Rock!!!!

EuphoricBlue's Photo EuphoricBlue 04 Oct 2009

My dowery can be expected around the 20th of october.

Yes, I'm RPR's bitch.

The website, not Tom. Sorry man, I'm just too pretty for you! tongue.gif

anassa's Photo anassa 04 Oct 2009

Done biggrin.gif

anjin's Photo anjin 05 Oct 2009


For a second or so there I couldn't remember my paypal password!

kakabox's Photo kakabox 05 Oct 2009

Done...and done!

Thanks Tom! smile.gif

SuperTwinz's Photo SuperTwinz 05 Oct 2009

I can't live w/o RPR. Money sent.

firstgencrx's Photo firstgencrx 05 Oct 2009

This is so awesome people! Keep it coming. cool.gif

Tom should be resetting the progress bar in the next few days. That way we'll see the progress of our 2010 fund drive. biggrin.gif

GrafKröte's Photo GrafKröte 05 Oct 2009

I'm a student so I don't have much money. But a bit I'll gave to you, to keep this place working.

E-AT_me's Photo E-AT_me 05 Oct 2009

doing my part right now. thanks for the site! smile.gif

maybe i'll be able to finish my car one day.. i'm challenging screech, though. wink.gif