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Red Pepper Racing


The Solution To A Squeaky Hatch

SiRedge's Photo SiRedge 07 Aug 2014

Does your rear hatch squeak? Drive you crazy? Want to fix it? Then read on.


I caught up with a friend of mine this evening after work for a burger. Afterwards we went for a bit of hoon in my AT. One of the first things my friend said when we got on the road was that my rear hatch doesn't squeak. At all. I'd almost forgotten how awful it was - it squeaked something terrible, used to drive me bat-shit crazy. I tried everything trying to fix it, and finally happened across the solution a few months ago. My friend told me I had to share it because a lot of other people had the same problem.




Can you see it? Sorry about the shit photo. I'll have to get a better one in daylight.


There's a little electrical tape wrapped around the catch. Yep, after trying everything, that was the foolproof solution. It's nice and quiet now, and so much more relaxing to drive. Give this a go if yours is driving you nuts. :)


PuddleSkipper's Photo PuddleSkipper 08 Aug 2014

Hmmm..............maybe that's what I got going on. I always assumed it was that torsion bar or a bushing.


GeezRX's Photo GeezRX 08 Aug 2014

I've got an annoying off and on squeak that comes from "behind me" when I'm driving so I just finished taping mine...we'll see...thanks for the tip!




SiRedge's Photo SiRedge 11 Aug 2014

Okay, so the first pic really isn't the best. Here's a much better view:




The brown smears are me getting really desperate trying to solve the problem.


. . .


It's dry lube gone a bit grubby. That would stop it squeaking for about half an hour before it started again. The tape has kept it completely quiet.


NWClassicHonda's Photo NWClassicHonda 11 Aug 2014

Interesting find. Thanks!


ballade's Photo ballade 11 Aug 2014

I can confirm this works I've been using this method for over two decades. 


RETROCRX's Photo RETROCRX 12 Aug 2014

I can confirm this works I've been using this method for over two decades. 

Me too!!


JeepGirl's Photo JeepGirl 26 Aug 2014

My old hatch would sqeak really bad, but it was from the seal not the latch.




Link to youtube of the hatch sqeak in my old ride.... Drove me batshit.


RETROCRX's Photo RETROCRX 27 Aug 2014

My old hatch would sqeak really bad, but it was from the seal not the latch.




Link to youtube of the hatch sqeak in my old ride.... Drove me batshit.


Talk about back from the dead!  Where have you been??


CRXer87hf's Photo CRXer87hf 27 Aug 2014

Just tried this method... magic!  I can hear myself think now!


ATXBoy's Photo ATXBoy 27 Aug 2014

Can't wait to try this hahaha


I thought it was coming from those strange side mounted springy dampers on the hatch o_O
