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Red Pepper Racing


Simple Build Of An 86 3g Dx

zakats's Photo zakats 28 Feb 2012

The Motorcraft 740 (Escort EXP) carburetor project has been put on hold since I don't have the time or patience to finish it now. The project did show great promise and would likely work flawlessly after the vacuum leaks are dealt with.

In lieu of my laboring on the carburetor more, I purchased a Redline Weber kit and am satisfied with it so far. I took my first drive in the car yesterday and it did very well aside from the brakes badly needing adjustment and tweaking front/rear. I am also a bit annoyed that my blinkers don't work and I realized that my hazard wire isn't hooked up at the battery.

Sinic's Photo Sinic 09 Mar 2012

You change the blinker fluid to synthetic yet?

zakats's Photo zakats 09 Mar 2012

Sure did, only the best for my project!

UPDATE: Got the car inspected and aligned, it drives well so far with a few kinks.

Problems encountered this week:
-Annoying noise from the left front, I think I need to reinstall the brake pad hardware.
-Rear brake hardware let go and locked up the left rear drum
-Alternator fuse keeps blowing, what a PITA! I suspect this could have something to do with my 700 CCA battery unsure.gif

zakats's Photo zakats 10 Aug 2012

Update thus far:
~1000 miles
-I relocated the battery to behind the passenger seat and I haven't blown an alternator fuse since, I think the battery was just too big for the alternator to handle- the extra length of battery cable helps minimalize the effective size of the battery... sort of
-fixed drums but rear brakes could still use some new shoes, I didn't plan to keep the drums too long, we'll see where the road leads me on that one
-fixed front brake noise

I have yet to install the exhaust and recently took the car on a short road trip to Austin- super annoying exhaust and no a/c :(

Thread with a video clip of said exhaust, or the lack thereof.

Current problems as I recall:
-I hate the battery and where I put it- It's too damn big and I should never have relocated... it's just unnecessary and in the way.
-The extra/external throttle return spring that the Weber kit came with provides too much tension. This causes the butterfly to close tighter than I actually have it set to when allowed to close quickly... I don't think I've ever realized how often abruptly let off the gas until now.
-I'm thinking I need to adjust the valves again or I just forgot how noisey honda valves are
-not too happy with the iluminas, the left front makes noise sometimes- could be the control arm bushings that I'm overdue to replace
-the power cable to the cigarette lighter is cut somewhere under the dash... that'll be fun
-I blew the dimmer resistor/switch for the gauge cluster lights
-killed the fan on my road trip, it isn't locked up but it blows fuses

zakats's Photo zakats 10 Dec 2012

-I still hate my battery relocation job though I have a stock size (51r) battery now, the big'n went to my 73 mercedes project
-throttle tension issue is somewhat better after more tuning though I think it is running very rich (see picture link below)
-Still need to readjust the valves, I started to think I had a bearing problem but that was put to rest by disassembling, measuring, and replacing the bearings for good measure.
-I don't love the illuminas, though I may just need bigger t-bars, I seem to have left my wago bars in Texas though :/
-cig lighter is rigged and working, can't seem to find the correct connection under the dash but my current configuration charges my phone just as well
-I have a new/old replacement dimmer switch on the way finally, thanks JEA86
-Still no fan, don't really need it yet though I think my original problem was the thermosensor/relay/whateveryoucallit was just unplugged- either way I have an ebay slim to replace it.

New challenges:
-alternator light isn't on, the fuse is confirmed good, the cables are connected, but the battery doesn't seem to be charging...
-installed HID's but the high beam light stays on, could be related to low voltage as I only installed them after I noticed the battery dying/discharging
-the Webber still doesn't like hills and Fayetteville is very mountainous
-the spark plugs have gotten fouled as if it is running very rich, could be related to the above bullet or early use/storage of the car.
-again, the spark plugs are funky. I pulled them today and found two of them with broken porcelain https://docs.google....M3JOVXFpc08zdE0 I have a thread on this matter here: http://www.redpepper...showtopic=54749

zakats's Photo zakats 29 Jan 2013

A few updates:

  • I FINALLY had my muffler installed and have 2" all the way back, it's much more DD'able though still quite loud.
  • Alternator issue has been solved, a screw in the fusible link box backed out, of course! damned solid mounts are a PITA at times! 
  • the new spark plugs seem to be holding up well enough and it is running as smooth as ever, just takes a while to warm up when it's 30 outside.
  • I think I'll run BP's headlight relay setup to make for a more reliable headlight solution, regardless of whether or not I keep the HID's
  • Still hate the battery location, I'll go back to stock eventually but it isn't a major concern ATM.
  • My throttle cable snapped on me a few days ago, I really was never much of a fan of the Weber solution in that regard. I ended up rigging it so that I could limp my way to O'Reilly's and spend too much on a really ugly cable stop.
  • I'm up to 5,300+ miles now, no major complaints.


I haven't done anything fun recently but the car actually feels faster since installing the muffler/going to 2"


zakats's Photo zakats 25 Apr 2013

I've neglected this a bit too much and I'm overdue for an update!


Apparently I made a big boo-boo by inadvertently mixing Honda MTF with Synchromesh that resulted in every-single-one of my transmission's seals to leak... So my clutch disc was ruined completely.


In addition to my clutch being trash, I haven't been very satisfied with my bearings in post-build inspections so I've currently got the engine apart, swapping to ARP bolts and all-matching, new bearings to eliminate any question of quality or reliability.


While I have the motor apart, I'm pondering the idea of switching to D16A6 (~10.3:1) pistons... anyone want to weigh in?


Everyone likes pictures- half-ass, shade tree mechanic, like a boss: Jej7ca1.jpg


zakats's Photo zakats 27 Apr 2013

So, for the few that actually follow this project, I must inform you that I'm selling this project to another member- at a great loss fyi! I guess it's just that time for me where life and circumstance have dictated that I can't move forward with the project when the opportunity to liquidate is present.


There is more to it- details of course, but that pretty much sums it up.


badpenny's Photo badpenny 29 Apr 2013

:unsure:  Well crap.
