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Red Pepper Racing


B Series Crx Build Thread

Lymitliss's Photo Lymitliss 02 May 2010

I was just gonna buy the P28 from Xenocron so it's already chipped, then throw the Demon board in with it ohmy.gif

I'm gonna have to find some dynos in my area pretty quick after I finish


With the demon and crome you can just upload a ITR base map and you should be good enough to drive it around, i wouldn't rev very high or go WOT just because it will be a little lean, but you should be able to start it up, and drive around the block make sure everything's good and drive to the dyno.

zakats's Photo zakats 02 May 2010

itr map lean with less compression?

Lymitliss's Photo Lymitliss 02 May 2010

I don't want less compression!

zakats's Photo zakats 02 May 2010

the ITR engine has a higher CR than the pmtr with stock gsr pistons is what I was referring to... I would assume that with a higher CR, it would be rich enough- just not ideal for the setup


I was thinking more about the port work. A ported head is going to flow more air. But a ITR map should be a damn good starting point.

Lymitliss's Photo Lymitliss 03 May 2010

We'll have to see what you can find Zakats, if you aren't able to find the intake manifold and stuff I'll have to upgrade right away and then it'll just get leaner! I need to learn how to tune...

Lymitliss's Photo Lymitliss 03 May 2010

Well I talked to a guy at xenocron and he discouraged me from getting a wideband setup I could monitor through crome. He suggested getting one with a gauge like you deivion,or just use ecu feedback to tune. His reason being that the voltage signals aren't that accurate or something to that effect.


I don't look at the gauge when I'm tuning its just for when I'm driving the car without the laptop, if the laptops in the car i watch its readout of the LC-1.

The wide band sensors are very susceptible to voltage irregularity's. I grounded as specified the Gauge, and both wide band grounds to the thermostat housing along with all the ECU grounds. I ran 2 new power wires strait from the fuse box, and 3 grounds strait to the motor.

Basically you don't want to and cant really tune off just the gauge, it almost has to be wired into the ECU so the software can data log it.

And you cant run with the laptop open all the time on the track to watch the A/F. So the best solution is to get a gauge if you want to monitor it while your driving/racing, if not don't bother.

Lymitliss's Photo Lymitliss 30 May 2010

---Oh so you have the LC-1 then, like this? I'd prefer the gauge, and the ECU input if I can. Whatever helps tuning, although I will be going to a dyno, it won't be right away.

---If I were to buy a whole gasket kit, would I want the B18 gaskets or B16?
Also, I looked up ARP head studs and it gave me two options that sounded like they would work, but I don't trust that. Does anyone have a part # for the exact set I need?

So I got my hands on a GSR ecu from a friend instead of ordering one already chipped, and also got an OBD adapter harness from Xenocron. Should have engine by this time next week! More pics then.


zakats's Photo zakats 30 May 2010

I can't say that I have any experience with widebands but everything I've heard from 14point7.com has been very promising should you really need a wideband. I, personally, don't think that a wideband is necessary if you have it tuned by someone who knows what they're doing. Depending on your cams, I think you will be fine with the stock GSR ecu... though I am not sure how that will turn out since you wouldn't be running the two stage IM... help me out here Brandon. For an effective stock setup, the GSR cams are good bang for your buck and would be good for a stock ecu IMO.
The head doesn't have very serious porting to it so I don't think it would flow much, if at all, more than an ITR head.

for gaskets, you will need a gsr or b16 head gasket, b16 head parts/gaskets, and gsr bottom end stuff... fairly simple really

for Head studs, you need b18c5 (ITR) parts

Lymitliss's Photo Lymitliss 30 May 2010

They don't have the ITR option on ARP's online catalog

zakats's Photo zakats 30 May 2010

I believe they are the same as the B16, just didn't want to pull that outta my ass

Lymitliss's Photo Lymitliss 31 May 2010

Good, what about a clutch? If I use a B16 transmission can I use Integra clutches?

zakats's Photo zakats 31 May 2010

Clutch selection depends solely on what transmission you use- all cvic/crx/integra b series transmissions will bolt up and work. The 90-91 transmissions use a different disc than the 92-01 b series do. ys1 (cable) and hydro have the same spline count, iirc the only difference is the throw out bearing due to cable vs hydro actuators (whatever the correct term is for that). Clutchcityonline.com has good prices on good clutches if you want to go that route. Some ppl go the way of eBay clutches but I'm a little scared to dive into that, personally.