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#41194 Recessed Or Not To Recess That Is The Question

Posted by Zach_Just on 12 November 2003 - 02:38 PM in 3G Civic

I think it look good on that car and also if you go to the 86/87 lights they are wedge shaped on an angle and that causes for bad lighting. Stick with the ressessed and you will have better lighting and an original look.


#41188 Uh Oh

Posted by Zach_Just on 12 November 2003 - 01:56 PM in 3G Civic

Also a first time member and poster.

I just got a 1986 civic 1500s and the same thing happened.
The valve gaskets for this car up here in the great white north are about $55 can, that’s $73 us. So, I got some of that amazing Blue Crap (gasket maker) for about $3.
I cleaned the old gasket and put a bead of Blue Crap on there and I have had not trouble since!

"Keep on truckin"
