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#413293 Are You Going To Vote?

Posted by d15a3power on 25 October 2008 - 01:42 AM in Off-Topic

Yes, vote. But first take some time to get informed on all the issues & offices.

Most importantly, participatory democracy can best be practiced by dialogue with the opposition(s). I mean this on an everyday level.
Summon the courage & talk to someone who supports the other candidate like the fellow citizen they are.

Just try to keep it civilized & I guarantee you that you'll learn something or teach them something.

#411305 Digital Dashes

Posted by d15a3power on 10 October 2008 - 03:01 AM in General Posts

QUOTE (Screech @ Oct 9 2008, 12:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just did some more research/math and my first guess based on 2548 pulses per Km and 4000 pulses per mile from a VSS makes me think that if you multipled the time between each pulse by about 1.57 you would trick the display into showing miles on a display for Km. The input pulses at 1MPH should be 4000/hour, but the output to the display should only be 2548/hour so it would show 1Km while going 1MPH. Sounds like a really, really simple curcuit.

Edit: I also think it would be important to include a switch to disable the curcuit or to change to multiplier to 1 so that the dash displays KM as it would without the curcuit. Also, is the odometer on this dash mechanical like normal clusters or is it digital? If digital, that could pose a problem it keeping track of miles/KM on the chassis.

The odo isn't digital & is in Km.

It's not that hard getting used to km--- 40km~25mi, 100k=62m or 10k=6.2mi.

Fun scaring people riding with & baffling the guy @ echeck ( yer speedometer's broke!)

#407197 Sarah Palin

Posted by d15a3power on 06 September 2008 - 03:55 AM in Off-Topic


I'm a conservative. My vote matters since I live in Ohio (swing state).

Palin does make me happy. She reminds me of a "Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington" type. I love how she put the governor's jet plane on Ebay! Very compelling life story, many successful reforms. Energetic, determined, attractive. Truthfuly, I think maybe I could be developing a slight crush on her.... ph34r.gif

#401353 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 25 July 2008 - 02:53 AM in Off-Topic

Well...liquidity is a bank. At 4% interest, your investment would double every 18 days. ( 4% is being "respected", normal rate is 2%, which doubles in 35 days) Does the gang vault even earn interest??? Silly that it would when you think about it...

I would advise keeping a % liquid, with the majority in stocks bought only at 15-18 range. Remember that patience even more here...

Hey remember "bank in the tank"? Have you seen the price lately? 388! That's 20x the original investment! How many months has that been?

Hey, Games is currently priced at that magic buy price if anyone cares...

#401202 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 24 July 2008 - 04:34 AM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (Ghost-One @ Jul 24 2008, 01:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i need to turn 5 bill in to 50 bil what is the best way to do this
i agot a fe irons inthe fire
10-20% increase tax free ideas but need more money to capitalize

i am out of the market but ill have 5 bil to get in
whats the best stratagey

Three rules:

Buy as much as you can at 15. Anything, anytime.

Be patient.

Sell only when you have a chance to buy at 15.

#400721 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 20 July 2008 - 11:53 PM in Off-Topic

Hey -- change of subject but does anyone understand the new stock limitations? "... $1B per transaction..."

Does it affect sales?

edit: 7/22/2008

It only affects buying. Will the last one out of the thread please turn the light off? Thanks!

#399082 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 10 July 2008 - 03:04 AM in Off-Topic

i like how they totally whored out the points --- 1/2 price? I don't have time to use the points i already have!

they de-pantsed Rederneck by telling all his stats! I'd be pissd!

notice our houses also have higher multipliers?

nobody must be buying upgrades....

#398425 Overheating

Posted by d15a3power on 05 July 2008 - 11:50 PM in 1G CRX

I jumped the temp switch with a paperclip as suggested. It will still get to nearly overheating, but at least the A/C doesn't have to be on all the time.

The temp is fine at speeds over 30mph or so. To answer the question, no it doesn't overheat on the highway with the A/C off.

The concern is that the fan doesn't seem to be as effective as it should be...it won't drop the temp like moving at 30+ does.

#398369 55mph Speed Limit

Posted by d15a3power on 05 July 2008 - 04:27 PM in Off-Topic

I'm no fan of gov't regulation: (BUT....)

55mph proposal is due to the outcry to do something that "fixes" things now. (relatively) Low cost. There was a proposal to fund a study to determine the most efficient speed, but that isn't NOW.

People scream & cry for SOMETHING ( not knowing exactly what) & this is what they get. Rehashed solutions.

55mph would only work if that was the geeneral flow of traffic-- a range of 50 to 80 is too unsafe-- so the law is needed IF this is what people want...

Since stop & go drivng is less efficient, you would think they would work of that--- make lights go longer so there are less stops & ask people to turn their cars off at these now longer stops is an idea but maybe not a solution....

A massive educational campaign on efficient driving tips would be a logical starting point....

#398298 Overheating

Posted by d15a3power on 04 July 2008 - 08:07 PM in 1G CRX

Well, I couldn't get to the fan switch, so I simply left the A/C on & drove. ( The fan stayed on) It's only like 75F today. I've done this plenty of times & the temp stayed in the middle.

I drove down the highway & it stayed in the middle. When I got home, the temp rose to nearly overheating-- not quite as fast as when the fan was off.

I turned the car off & let it sit for 15 min. I started it & let it run again w/ the A/C on & it got hot but not quite to overheating. The idle kept kicking up & down every 10 sec. or so. There seems to be flow thru the top radiator hose.

Is the consensus still that it's just the fan switch?

#397989 Overheating

Posted by d15a3power on 02 July 2008 - 01:54 PM in 1G CRX

Thanks for the advice-- I'll try to check this out tomorrow. I work till 3:30am, so it's hard to find daylight time to check this out.

The main reason I was thinking thermostat is that when the fan does come on, the temp doesn't go down-- it's like the hot engine coolant isn't getting to the radiator. I also got advice to feel the main hose for flow...

#397801 Overheating

Posted by d15a3power on 01 July 2008 - 02:48 PM in 1G CRX

OK, the oil & antifreeze look fine. I had the radiator power-flushed 1000 miles ago.

Idle kicks down after it warms up & idles smoothly.

The radiator fan never turns on, even when the temp is near red-line. The fuse is fine. It only comes on when I turn on the A/C. Even then, the temp never falls; I tried turning on the heat, but still the temp never falls. It only falls when the car is moving fast....

I hope its a thermostat-- I had electrical issues with the A/C before & throwing relays at the car got to be expensive....

Any ideas?

#396606 Socal Fire Season Has Started

Posted by d15a3power on 24 June 2008 - 04:22 AM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (icebox187 @ Jun 23 2008, 04:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmmm... maybe its rednecks setting fires in retaliation

OK, I'll be a little more direct-- these have been called "upprecedented" lightning storms.

I don't ever recall hundreds of fires....maybe Someone is throwing lightning bolts because He doesn't like gay marriage.

Maybe this should be voted on again...even though the court overruled the last vote!

Be mad at me all you want, but I didn't start the fires! laugh.gif

#396443 Socal Fire Season Has Started

Posted by d15a3power on 23 June 2008 - 02:17 AM in Off-Topic

I thought that was a bit strange-- lightning starts about 400 fires in NorCal up to the Oregon border....

on the same day they allow gay marriages! wink.gif


#392848 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 01 June 2008 - 12:43 AM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (02BlackSI @ May 31 2008, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well d15a3 my civic si is my only car. Im about to put a K24a1 head on in a week or so... camshaft failure on my k20a3... You might want to take a peak at yours if you havent yet, seems to be a common problem. I have 90000miles.

~120000 mi. but nothing so far... sounds like an opportunity to transplant some fun!

#392780 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 31 May 2008 - 03:05 PM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (02BlackSI @ May 31 2008, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol i hear ya...

Hey Bubbabob,

I have an 02 Civic Si too, but as you see, it's not claimed in my "list" of cars...

I've been working 60+ hrs/ wk as of late...time to go to work!

#390747 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 17 May 2008 - 08:12 AM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (icebox187 @ May 17 2008, 02:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh it took me about 2 weeks to turn 30 million into 2.4 billion btw

The admind said they removed the limit in the forums-- thread started by Badpenny. So, you can be "really" rich!

#390584 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 16 May 2008 - 05:37 AM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (Ghost-One @ May 14 2008, 11:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i got 1.9 mil stocks in clocks trying to raise some more to top out at 2mil in stocks
my sell point will be 100.00 and that will mean another 200million to divide betwix teh gang

It's worthwhile to fill yr nerve bar for 10 points-- you get exp + cash to invest! This makes more sense the higher yr level...

#390479 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 15 May 2008 - 04:16 PM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (icebox187 @ May 15 2008, 07:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
points sent d15a3.... sorry bout the delay, i didnt realize you had paid

It's fine, I've been so busy w/ my new job I don't know when I'm going to spend them anyway!

Thanks again, these buys are a great deal!

#390259 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 13 May 2008 - 09:25 PM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (carphreak @ May 13 2008, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sorry icebox i still have about 12k points. rest assured i will get some more when i get extra funds...

I'll take 20K just so you don't stop buying, this is an awesome price guys!

#390220 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 13 May 2008 - 04:53 PM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (RARECRX @ May 13 2008, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I PM'd this guy about muzzym14 attacking Maine racer (new rpr gang member) online. He basically told me OH well and said he added me to his mugging list..


[RR]Tom Gilbert

I think I will like the Tom Gilbert on my favorites list.

[RR]Tom Gilbert Was attacked [online] [RPR]d15a3power [online] 18 minutes.

#390140 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 13 May 2008 - 05:37 AM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (carphreak @ May 12 2008, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i have been respecting the so called truce and to be fair, not one from the ASS gang has attacked me online or off. i'm just busy trying to get a hang of the stock market and mugging that pesky glalle9921 everytime i can until he attacks me and puts himself in the hospital....

on a different note anyone know our status against OC? i attack one of their members regularly (offline ofcourse) for EXP points. and then when the top dog 14u2nv gets online he goes and attacks me online or not.

Try to talk to him 1st, then ms one of us stronger members while we're online & we'll git him. No reason to be bullied by a cut-rate gang!

#390137 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 13 May 2008 - 05:32 AM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (Ghost-One @ May 12 2008, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i went on vacation and see what happens

How dare you! The gang is yer famluh now! Mullets fer lieyef!

#390043 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 12 May 2008 - 07:38 PM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (icebox187 @ May 12 2008, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so when was it that ass honored this truce anyway????????????????

[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]cjmech and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 12, 2008 3:16:20pm
[ASS]BryanMims attacked [RPR]cjmech and [ASS]BryanMims won - May 12, 2008 12:58:48pm
[ASS]BryanMims attacked [RPR]cjmech and [ASS]BryanMims won - May 12, 2008 12:35:43pm
[WTB]tina attacked [RPR]Purtwee and [RPR]Purtwee won - May 12, 2008 12:31:05pm
[ASS]BryanMims attacked [RPR]cjmech and [ASS]BryanMims won - May 12, 2008 11:30:04am
[CO2]hillbillybob attacked [RPR]jaceq92 and [RPR]jaceq92 won - May 12, 2008 10:49:28am
[WTB]tina attacked [RPR]Purtwee and [RPR]Purtwee won - May 12, 2008 9:21:42am
[ASS]BryanMims attacked [RPR]boogeyman1 and [RPR]boogeyman1 won - May 12, 2008 8:53:55am
[ASS]BryanMims attacked [RPR]cjmech and [ASS]BryanMims won - May 12, 2008 8:46:24am
[ASS]BryanMims attacked [RPR]cjmech and [ASS]BryanMims won - May 12, 2008 7:46:45am
glalle9921 attacked [RPR]carphreak and [RPR]carphreak won - May 12, 2008 1:25:43am
glalle9921 attacked [RPR]Purtwee and glalle9921 won - May 11, 2008 9:59:42pm
[SF]Jaguar attacked [RPR]Goob and [RPR]Goob won - May 11, 2008 9:04:09pm
glalle9921 attacked [RPR]Purtwee and glalle9921 won - May 11, 2008 9:01:44pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]cjmech and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 7:18:22pm
[SF]Jaguar attacked [RPR]Purtwee and [SF]Jaguar won - May 11, 2008 7:08:37pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]super_cricket and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 7:04:44pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]Goob and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 7:04:31pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]carphreak and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 7:04:20pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]Goob and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 6:32:47pm
[ASS]Ray Bob attacked [RPR]574-240sx and [ASS]Ray Bob won - May 11, 2008 6:21:07pm
glalle9921 attacked [RPR]TigaRacer and glalle9921 won - May 11, 2008 6:14:41pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]Motor City Hamilton and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 6:08:35pm
[ASS]Ray Bob attacked [RPR]Goob and [ASS]Ray Bob won - May 11, 2008 6:06:11pm
[ASS]Ray Bob attacked [RPR]boogeyman1 and [ASS]Ray Bob won - May 11, 2008 6:00:20pm
[ASS]Ray Bob attacked [RPR]574-240sx and [ASS]Ray Bob won - May 11, 2008 5:54:11pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]3gencivic and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 5:49:25pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]super_cricket and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 5:48:53pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]censurebush and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 5:48:30pm
[ASS]bubba bob attacked [RPR]brina417 and [ASS]bubba bob won - May 11, 2008 5:48:19pm
[SF]Slow_Sc3 attacked [RPR]3gencivic and [SF]Slow_Sc3 won - May 11, 2008 5:19:41pm
[SF]Slow_Sc3 attacked [RPR]Screech and [SF]Slow_Sc3 won - May 11, 2008 5:07:49pm
[WRN]BillyBadAss attacked [RPR]cjmech and [WRN]BillyBadAss won - May 11, 2008 3:45:35pm
[WRN]BillyBadAss attacked [RPR]carphreak and [WRN]BillyBadAss won - May 11, 2008 3:44:52pm
[WRN]BillyBadAss attacked [RPR]cjmech and [WRN]BillyBadAss won - May 11, 2008 2:44:48pm
[CTR]SUPERMAN™ attacked [RPR]onegvtec and [CTR]SUPERMAN™ won - May 11, 2008 12:47:26pm
[SF]Jaguar attacked [RPR]Purtwee and [SF]Jaguar won - May 11, 2008 10:41:49am
tater_salad attacked [RPR]maddog and [RPR]maddog won - May 11, 2008 9:27:19am
[ASS]fat boy attacked [RPR]Goob and [ASS]fat boy won - May 11, 2008 8:50:47am
[ASS]Ray Bob attacked [RPR]574-240sx and [ASS]Ray Bob won - May 11, 2008 6:39:32am
[RB]BillieJoeAnn attacked [RPR]mighty87si and [RB]BillieJoeAnn won - May 11, 2008 12:30:18am
[B30]civic9502 attacked [RPR]brina417 and [B30]civic9502 won - May 10, 2008 10:44:05pm
[SF]Jaguar attacked [RPR]Goob and [RPR]Goob won - May 10, 2008 10:39:18pm
[SF]Jaguar attacked [RPR]Purtwee and [SF]Jaguar won - May 10, 2008 10:39:08pm
[ASS]Ray Bob attacked [RPR]574-240sx and [ASS]Ray Bob won - May 10, 2008 8:53:16pm
[ASS]Ray Bob attacked [RPR]574-240sx and [ASS]Ray Bob won - May 10, 2008 8:26:45pm

Does this log show only online attacks, or both on/ off? But since you asked, ASS feels that they haven't attacked online, thereby holding up their end. Ghost agreed to a two week truce. Being the leader, I thought everyone would respect his decision regardless of personal feelings. That's why I told ASS ok. Should disagreements be worked out within the gang before unilateral action? You guys decide. I stated earlier, I was simply trying to help the members who aren't strong enough/ can't avoid attacks. No personal gain. I don't want to come across as the heavy, just trying to help.

#390028 Fun Game To Play When Bored!

Posted by d15a3power on 12 May 2008 - 04:37 PM in Off-Topic

QUOTE (Motor City Hamilton @ May 12 2008, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Subject: FYI Sender: [ASS]Ray Bob
Received: May 12, 2008 7:11:25am
just letting you guys know, I was all for the truce until Oneg came down and put everyone who was ONLINE from ASS in the hosp. you guys have a rogue one your hands...lol. and, yes I have let y'all work out today. Did do something strange though, dakleptos was mugging one of our lower guys so I put him in the hosp while he was carrying about 30000 and it gave me 1mil. Haven't figured that one out yet.

My reply:
I'm confused about said truce. It's on, it's off. I think it's no online hits? Gump said something about only two online hits a day??? I don't think this "truce" has been clearly outlined. Maybe it needs to be no online hits - oh and must have been active in the last 15 minutes to avoid the always online guys? It's just a game.

Subject: Re: Re: FYI Sender: [ASS]Ray Bob
Received: May 12, 2008 7:27:50am
I realize it's just a game but some take it too seriously. It was supposed to be NO online hits at all for 2 weeks then only 2 per day then Oneg came and put bubba bob, fatboy, gumpond, and myself in the hosp. As you know I have not bothered anyone while they were online except to retaliate for "misdeeds". When I'm leveling up I keep it to OFFLINE hits --------

RE: clarity, I felt the terms were clear & concise.
If you guys want the truce to stick, everyone needs to be on board with it. Again, I'm unaffected whether its on or off. I was just trying to think of the members who are affected by online attacks in negotiating the agreement. Maybe you guys can remind the others to stick to it?