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#581429 Thinking Of Selling My Project 86 Si Crx

Posted by Xipher on 20 September 2023 - 09:39 PM in General Posts

You have a great car, assuming the condition is still similar.  These things have shot up in value, look at being a trailer.  Assuming the information posted in the past about the car’s suspension and other parts sounds like it has very good bones.

you could put a 88-00 D series in it.  Parts far easier to find for those engines and transmissions and you would get a small bump in performance with a stock look.  Heck, people who do know what came in these cars would think it’s stock.



This would also be one of the easiest swaps as the motor is the most similar to the original and many used cable transmissions.


just a thought.  If your really set on selling it get some more recent pictures and post them please

Sadly its the inability to put any engine in it easily that put a stop to things originally, California is a very hostile place when it comes to doing anything :/ they spend nearly an hour going over my truck every year as a pair of people with flashlights and mirrors when I go to get it smogged and it is /dead stock/, the prospect of having to put a car through the CA BAR and all the insane hurdles they put up these days has killed my desire to do much.  I'd have to dump at this point a good solid $10,000 into the car to get it where I want it and then I'd have to beg and plead my case to the CA BAR, or give someone around $6500 for one that's already completely done, there's a 1984 1500S Civic for sale near by that's immaculate, running, driving, perfect and... smogged. I kinda at this point just want a 1G/3G to cruise around in a few times a year and otherwise have in the garage until nice days come around, I'm... so much older than I was in 2006... :/


If I had my way I'd put a B18C1 in it, but BAR wants all emissions equipment swapped in from the original vehicle that the original engine came from... down to the /gas tank/ from the original vehicle, its literally impossible these days to get it done in a legal manner where I live.


Its probably best for the car to go to someone in a near by state that doesn't have such draconian laws or to someone who has time/parts to work out putting new syncros in the trans and give the engine a once over, Its 1GEN_SI86's old car that was sold in 2012, then in 2015 sold to me as far as I've been able to tell.

#581426 Thinking Of Selling My Project 86 Si Crx

Posted by Xipher on 20 September 2023 - 02:57 PM in General Posts

From this thread:




Its been sitting with the engine and transmission out of it since 2016, it ran and drove from the bay area to Sacramento, wouldn't pass smog, syncros were grinding and it ran very lean.


Body is incredibly clean...


Curious what folks think because I haven't had time to work on it in... 7 years?


Its literally just been sitting in my garage with the engine and trans still hanging on the engine hoist...


I'm more interested at this point at buying a completed running driving project :/ I still want a CRX or 3G, in fact there's one (84 1500S Civic) for sale near by that is a /completed/ project that's beautiful but I'd kinda need to get this out of the garage first to have a place to park it you know?


I have a truck that can trailer it for delivery, it'll be a /pain/ to get out of the garage after all these years, non-op'd, etc... I think I paid $3000 for it originally? Prices were getting stupid even back then :/