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There have been 98 items by kaymo (Search limited from 21-June 23)

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#548581 Concours Restoration: 1987 Crx 1st Gen 25,662 Miles

Posted by kaymo on 12 January 2013 - 11:42 PM in Projects

i think that one day i will be glad i know you because i will need to come get some parts from you that will be the last ones on the planet for my car.

your attention to detail is unmatched. im sure the concours judges will know a lot less than you do when it comes time to fill in the score cards!

#548447 Project 3

Posted by kaymo on 08 January 2013 - 05:45 PM in Appearance

do you have sensors in your hatch bumper??

#548445 2012 Went Out With A Smash.....

Posted by kaymo on 08 January 2013 - 05:14 PM in General Posts

if the other guy doesnt have insurance, did he leave in handcuffs? is it not illegal to drive a car without insurance? and was it not towed? and yes your insurance company covers it but they also procecute the uninsured driver! thats the way ive always known it to be... if not then thats fubared

#548443 Mitsubishi Motor?

Posted by kaymo on 08 January 2013 - 05:00 PM in Swaps

your car wont go faster with a "racing clutch" lol

#543745 1st Generation Oem Parts Price Question From Anyone That Can Help?

Posted by kaymo on 09 August 2012 - 01:31 AM in WTB

parts are worth what people will pay for them, bought my reflective panel for 20 from the junkyard. 200 is maybe an ebay price. if he is your friend he should let you get away for a little more than he paid for them. if hes expecting to get what these items have gone for in the past you may be looking at over 500 dollars... which is more than i paid for my first CRX.

#543715 Thinking About Starting A Company To Make Custom 1g Crx Parts.

Posted by kaymo on 08 August 2012 - 12:17 PM in General Posts

kudos for thinking big kid, but going from fixing up a couple old fords to building aftermarket parts for these older hondas to sell, not just for yourself, is quite a big leap. i have made a part to sell to other members, carb devac plates, and had less than 20 sales in the time ive been a member. the market is not very big, and anyone here will tell you that its a labor of love, not of profit. (at least not much anyway)

keep fixing things. keep thinking big, but dont expect to put a bunch of design and testing into a product that 5 people might end up buying. david will tell you, its not all its cracked up to be. you showed us that you can fix some rust and paint, but anyone can do that. your pics didnt show us anything techy at all really. reaplcing fenders and such is nothing compared to the engineering that david put into his work, and he gave up on the idea of building products to sell here. looks like you need to do some research on what has been done before, and then maybe figure out what you can do to add to the community

#542623 Overheating, The Saga Continues

Posted by kaymo on 11 July 2012 - 08:38 AM in General Posts

i havent been on here in a while but i had to check in on you mike

i really regret not going after your cooling problem before we did the head, i hoped that it would simply fix it with the head replacement, but i should have known better than to hope for the "easy solution" but i knew you wanted to have that head put on either way.

as for the head gasket, you cannot put it on upside down. the way the head is designed, the gasket only fits one way. you know i pay too much attention to do something silly like that on your car!

i dont know that i could agree with the idea that you have a cracked block. if it was cracked, i would think that you would have coolant or compression or oil somewhere you shouldn't. i dont remember, do you have coolant disappearing?

after reading this again, i noticed the fact that you said the coolant temp was the same on the top and bottom of the rad. this isnt right. i am beginning to think that new radiator you got has something wrong with it. i would give you one of my old stock rads if you want to try replacing it. I know its not fun, but at this point it seems like something to try since nothing else seems to be working. i am really regretting not going after this problem when the car was in front of me because i know i wouldnt have stopped till i fixed it! granted you might have gotten chewed out by the wife for however long it would have taken!!!


#535244 Hf-si Transmission Swap....

Posted by kaymo on 19 February 2012 - 07:52 PM in 1G CRX

you are better off swapping a whole engine trans combo IMO.

#535243 1987 Crx Si Passenger Sideskirt

Posted by kaymo on 19 February 2012 - 07:49 PM in General Posts

is yours completely gone or in pieces? if you bring me whats left i should be able to fiberglass it for you.

#535242 Low Budget Beater

Posted by kaymo on 19 February 2012 - 07:42 PM in Projects

the old drum brakes appeared to be fine visually... i wouldnt have replaced them unless there was a problem. i actually regret the disc brake swap on my rex only because of the parking brake thingy being bad and waiting for over a year for used calipers that supposedly work... but now that i have another rex it will get aluminum drums just for scott....

you got a great car though... that front lip is in great shape! mine needs some work. the aero kit is my favorite....

#535179 1985 Civic Push Button 4wd Wagon Fs *lowered Price*

Posted by kaymo on 18 February 2012 - 06:01 PM in FS

jesus i want this thing... too bad ive got too many cars!!!

#535174 Huge Storage Cleanout - Crx Parts

Posted by kaymo on 18 February 2012 - 03:44 PM in FS

ill pay for shipping if you send me the broken plastic pieces.

#535098 Rpr License Plates

Posted by kaymo on 17 February 2012 - 12:26 AM in General Posts

i like to keep my nose clean... but one would be cool for display and for photo shoots! i hate to see a nice photo shoot... and someone have to photoshop a blur onto the plate.

#535068 Floor Pans

Posted by kaymo on 16 February 2012 - 04:16 PM in 3G Civic

it holds the end of the tube from bouncing around. the actual torsional stress goes up the tube to the height adjustment bolt.

if the cup held torsional stress, it wouldnt do very well since its simply a rubber cup that slides over the end.

i meant the panels in that person's thread were hand made, not the ones from honda. panels from honda are going to be new old stock only good luck with that

#534648 2012 Helmet Season Helmet #2!

Posted by kaymo on 08 February 2012 - 07:53 PM in Off-Topic

thats just stupid. you should be on americas next top helmet painter dude. srsly. wtf. haha

i want to lick the carbon fiber but it looks like i would get CF splinters

#534546 Please Help**

Posted by kaymo on 07 February 2012 - 12:12 AM in General Posts

he said it was the brake line....

before i really knew about cars i had an 88 accord i drove everyday. i got blasted and was supposed to take my friend home across town, and in my young stupidness ran the ol girl up to 100 on a frontage road. i saw the car in front of me and was trying to scare my buddy... locked up the brakes and flatspotted my tires.

but being drunk, i hadnt realized what i had done... just noticed a loud thumping. thought i had done something to the motor and was skipping. took till the next day to realize i had destroyed a set of brand new tires. sometimes it seems like it should be obvious... and sometimes it is... and sometimes we are too close to even see what it is....

glad u found it. give me a ring let me know how that thing goes.

#534545 Koni Yellows

Posted by kaymo on 07 February 2012 - 12:04 AM in FS

what is a pretty good deal? the owner has not given a price, just asked what he should sell them for.

#534544 Floor Pans

Posted by kaymo on 07 February 2012 - 12:02 AM in 3G Civic

if i am not mistaken, those are hand beaten panels. i do not believe replacement metal is available for our cars. remember, this is not an NSX... its just sheet metal (thin at that)

the rear torsion bar tube mount (the two 12mm bolts) is just to keep dirt out of the torsion bars, and to keep the end of the tube from bouncing around. the weight of the front of the car actually transfers up the tube to the subframe of the car, the end cap has no weight loading.

#534486 Rare 4x100 Rims

Posted by kaymo on 06 February 2012 - 01:26 AM in FS

did you try removing the dust covers? this can allow some 13s to fit...

#534485 I Can't Believe No One Noticed...

Posted by kaymo on 06 February 2012 - 01:25 AM in Off-Topic

zak u sneaky shit. getting old without telling anyone. happy birthday man.

#534409 1987 Crx As5 B16 Build Up

Posted by kaymo on 03 February 2012 - 10:07 PM in Projects

cameron, i dont think you realize HOW BIG the sunroof hole actually is once you remove the assembly... its sort of rediculous actually.

car looks great man i love your garage

#534391 Crx Sighting, Was This You?

Posted by kaymo on 03 February 2012 - 03:01 PM in Off-Topic

i couldnt help it

#534389 Crx Sighting, Was This You?

Posted by kaymo on 03 February 2012 - 02:38 PM in Off-Topic

its like USPS:

"if it fits... its a ship!" or wait...

#534388 Jerfguy Checking In

Posted by kaymo on 03 February 2012 - 02:36 PM in Off-Topic

bout time man. we thought you just went to the bathroom. after a while though that explanation was just kinda weird. just kidding man welcome back great to hear your doin it like a boss

#534387 New To The Forum!

Posted by kaymo on 03 February 2012 - 02:32 PM in General Posts

I think there are plenty of people on this board that can help you with parts, but it looks like you started with a nice complete car there. amazing score for free! sorry to hear about your wrecked civic, but i think things happen for a reason. i think you will have more fun with this car! glad to hear you could salvage some from your old car. your garage looks amazing. i wish i lived in a country with such beautiful architecture....