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There have been 7 items by llcwalsh (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#577298 Bought An 87 Dx- Did I Make A Mistake?

Posted by llcwalsh on 06 January 2017 - 09:24 PM in General Posts

Hey dude. I sold the car today. Thanks for the offer with the parts but I no longer need them.

#577231 Bought An 87 Dx- Did I Make A Mistake?

Posted by llcwalsh on 25 December 2016 - 05:50 PM in General Posts

Dude, that's super generous. For sure I'll take what you have lying around. Happy to pay shipping.

#577227 Bought An 87 Dx- Did I Make A Mistake?

Posted by llcwalsh on 25 December 2016 - 11:43 AM in General Posts

Are you looking to turn it into an SI? or are you looking to swapping it?

Not sure. Mostly looking to add a little power. It's pretty tame. I've heard the carb to FI swap is both money and time consuming.

#577207 Bought An 87 Dx- Did I Make A Mistake?

Posted by llcwalsh on 18 December 2016 - 07:13 PM in General Posts

This is indeed sage advice. I'll focus on making it handle. RPR offered some components which I'll be looking at eagerly in the spring. I've always wanted a street legal go cart. This is as copse as you can get.

#577171 Bought An 87 Dx- Did I Make A Mistake?

Posted by llcwalsh on 13 December 2016 - 08:00 PM in General Posts

Its in good daily driver shape. It runs very well and all seems to function as it should. The driver rear wheel well needs some love due to a minor collision and there's some cracks in the plastic but overall very good. I intend to drive it sparingly for kicks, maybe auto cross it, and keep it around to show my little guys how to wrench a bit.

It's a bit anemic but runs strong.

I should mention I also have an RX7 and 300zx for style and speed points. The only problems with those cars is weight. The CRX is very light in comparison. I like the idea of a street legal go cart.

I'll take some pics tomorrow. Thanks for weighing in.

#577169 Bought An 87 Dx- Did I Make A Mistake?

Posted by llcwalsh on 13 December 2016 - 06:30 PM in General Posts

Hey guys. Did I make a mistake buying this carbed model? The overwhelming info online points to the SI being the far superior ride. Please calm me down:)

By the way. Nice to find this place.

#577165 I'm Looking To Chat With Rpr Himself

Posted by llcwalsh on 12 December 2016 - 10:26 PM in General Posts

Hey there. I just bought a sweet little 1987 CRX DX. I'm also a beer salesman living in Barrie, ON. I'm hoping to meet the man himself and trade beer for tips.

Edit: I just realized that now that I'm logged in I could send him a PM which I did. Sorry guys.

